77 – Secrets to Creating Engaged Online Communities with Susan Garrett
Imagine having studied human and animal behaviour for decades and TRULY understanding how to motivate and encourage certain actions over others… and then imagine applying that knowledge to become a world champion in your field (many times over) and...
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73 – How We Got Started with Facebook LIVE
Has the idea of doing a Facebook LIVE for your audience crossed your mind? Or maybe you are ALREADY doing Facebook LIVEs but you still feel a little uncomfortable and you’d love to have a breakthrough… well this is...
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72 – The 5 Most Listened To Content Sells Episodes of 2017
Looking back over 2017 it was an amazing year on the Content Sells Podcast. We had some AWESOME guests and discussed some really diverse topics. So, we decided it would be fun to take a look at the 5...
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68 – Four Books We’ve Read and Loved That Will Help You with Your Content Marketing
Today we’re going to share some of the books we’ve read recently that have really made an impact on us… some of these we’ve shared with the HerBusiness community and many we’ve shared with our elite Marketing Mastermind group...
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66 – Turning Content into Sales With “The Problem/Solution Dance”
Today we’re talking about one of the key dynamics you want to have in your content if you want to move someone from not knowing anything about you right to the point where they buy from you. This is...
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65 – How to Create Great Visual Models and Frameworks
The right visual model can be (and has been) a million dollar idea for some of our most well-known business content creators – people like Robert Kiyosaki and Stephen Covey… learn the secrets they used to create powerful mental...
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64 – How to Succeed with Email Marketing
If your inbox is exploding with more emails than you can read, you’re not alone. That’s EXACTLY what your customers are experiencing too! So, how can you get your emails opened and, more importantly, READ and CLICKED ON, when...
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63 – 5 Ways to Promote Your Content (That Won’t Break the Bank)
Are you a small business owner who doesn’t have a big splashy budget for your marketing…but you still want to grow your audience and your sales? If so, this episode is for you. In today’s episode, your hosts, Suzi...
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62 – How I Grew An Audience of 70,000 Raving Fans – with Amber Renae
What does it take to grow a massive following of people who love to buy from you? In today’s episode, your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon welcome special guest, blogger and personal branding expert, Amber Renae. Amber shares...
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61 – Overcoming the Resistance – How to Have a Content Marketing Breakthrough
Are you fine with giving away free content but when it comes to asking for the sale “the resistance” comes up? Your palms get clammy. Your heart beats faster and you feel a growing reluctance as the moment you...
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60 – How to Grow a Big Business in a Small Niche with John Gallagher
Learn how John Gallagher, co-founder of LearningHerbs.com and Herbmentor.com, grew a massive email list, attracted thousands of people to his membership site and successfully sold thousands of products online over the past 13 years, providing education on herbs and...
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59 – How to Reach Out to Your Audience After Losing Touch
Maybe you have an email list you have neglected or a client base that hasn’t heard from you for a while. How do you re-warm those connections? What do you say when you first reach out? Do you apologise?...
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