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“I have the best online business library I have ever seen. Not to mention the podcasts that are on automatic play each time I get into my car. HerBusiness is my business university, it’s my one stop shop on ‘how-to’ for every single business problem I can face. It’s got my back and that’s a hugely reassuring feeling as a small business owner because of huge emotional, financial and mental investment you make in your business.”

— Yelda Adal-Hall, Sense of Style

Defining Leadership

Leading your way to greater success “Leadership is all about inspiring and empowering others under a shared vision to deliver beyond the ordinary, to create something special, and to ultimately result in making this world a better place. Inspire... read more

Demystifying The Cloud

How smart businesses use technology to reduce costs and increase efficiencies, How can small businesses increase capacity or add capabilities on the fly without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel or licensing new software? ‘The Cloud’ is the... read more

Digital Leader

Digital leaders are made, not born. And you too have it within you to become an effective digital leader. As a leader in the digital age, your reach is boundless. With advanced technologies, you can exert more direct and... read more

Drive with Daniel Pink

We’ve been conditioned to think that the best way to motivate ourselves and others is through external rewards like money or fame, or by the fear of punishment – the carrot-and-stick approach. That’s a mistake, Daniel H. Pink says... read more

Duct Tape Selling

The art of selling has evolved tremendously over the last few years. Today’s hectic pace demands that sales professionals (and that includes all business owners, managers and leaders) rethink their strategies and practices. We must attract, teach, convert, serve,... read more

Email Liaisons

Building an online community of loyal customers is like romancing your soul mate, yet if you do it wrong you can make your customers feel cheap and used like a discarded one-night stand! By using email liaison, you can... read more