Essential resource management insights. A game plan for your growing business.

When your business is embryonic, it’s easy to know where you stand financially. It’s also easy to manage staff when it’s just you, or you and one or two others. But how do you most effectively manage people and money as you grow? In this webinar, two expert presenters demonstrate the key aspects of a master plan that will allow you to manage the growth of your business.

We look at the pitfalls and dangers of mismanaging your most important resources. Managing Finances as You Grow. When your business is small, you can often gauge how business is going from your bank balance. As you grow (and especially when experiencing fast growth) your bank account is no longer the real indicator of what is going on. Growth makes it more difficult to have a clear picture of where you stand financially. During this webinar we look at the procedures, systems and people to have in place to manage growth and stay on top of finances.

We also look at how to:

  • Ensure your ‘accounting room’ is operating correctly
  • Know you’re getting the right financial results – measuring the right indicators
  • Get accurate monthly reporting
  • Develop links with financiers
  • Work towards getting your own board in place

We also look at the right structures and business plan you need to have in place if you are looking to fund growth. Managing Human Resources as You Grow Increasing rates of growth can result in these challenges:

  • Less of your personal attention on individual customers
  • Your focus dispersed more thinly across an increasing range of issues
  • The need to delegate responsibility
  • A requirement for broader operating capabilities

During this webinar, we discuss:

  • Planning Ahead – Workforce planning for growing businesses. How to determine what your business needs now and what it needs in the future.
  • Your Vision – How to align business capabilities to your vision.
  • Personal/Business Trajectories – The trajectory of your business will mirror your personal trajectory. If you grow and develop, so will your business. If you stay where you are – your business probably will too.

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Event Details

  • Effective Growth Management Strategies
  • Price: $59 (Login for Premium Member Discount)
  • Speakers: Bruce Whiting
  • Venue: On-Demand

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About the Guest

Bruce Whiting has been a Chartered Accountant and has been in business for over 25 years. In 2006, he established Business Artisans. Business Artisans is a niche Chartered Accounting practice specialising in advising businesses and investors. Bruce began his business career after completing a Bachelor of Economics in 1981. He...