Adam Franklin is the coauthor of Web Marketing that Works and founder of Blue Wire Media. In this episode he explains why social media should be the last pillar in your marketing strategy. The first step is to provide value for prospective customers with ‘remarkable’ content.
‘By setting up that valuable piece of content on your webpage or that landing page, you have actually started that relationship off by helping somebody else and delivering value.’
New businesses often make the mistake of leaping into social media engagement without first providing customers with valuable ‘flagship content.’ A solid website or ‘home base’ should offer something of value to the customer.
‘Then when the consumer goes to make a purchase, you will have led with generosity in the first place,’ says Franklin.
Things that should precede a social media strategy:
- Create a website or ‘home base’
- Start delivering ‘remarkable’ content that helps customers ‘do something’
- Once the basis of trust is built and an audience is established, a business is ready for a social media strategy
Listen to this Social Media for Small Business interview with Adam Franklin to learn:
- The importance of your website or ‘landing page’
- The value of ‘remarkable’ content
- Why LinkedIn is important for businesses
- How to be noticed on LinkedIn
- Finding a ‘goldmine’ angle on Facebook
- How Twitter is changing the way we communicate
Adam Franklin’s favourite social media tool is Click to Tweet.
Click to Tweet works by allowing others to share your message by automatically adding it to their Twitter status box. From there, they simply ‘Click to Tweet.’
Adam says this tool is great for amplifying your message and ensuring it passes from friend to friend via blogs and emails.
Mentioned in this episode:
This post was co-authored by Poppy Johnston. Poppy completed a journalism internship at HerBusiness. She is studying Media and Communications at The University of Sydney.