If you’ve been trying to get something done for a while and every time you think about it your eyes roll to the back of your head…
If you can’t seem to sit your butt down long enough to make progress on that project you’ve been meaning to get done…
It’s likely that there is something about the tasks is triggering you emotionally
- The magnitude of the project has you feeling overwhelmed and bringing up all your issues about not having enough time.
- It’s something you hate doing (but maybe there’s nobody else to do it, or at least that’s the way it feels).
- You lack and experience and competence. (Maybe it’s the first time you’re doing this.)
- Your lack the knowledge and feel a bit stupid because you don’t really know HOW to do a lot of aspects of the project.
- You don’t know where to start and the right order or things. Or, what to focus on.
Often we have our butt on the chair doing, doing, doing, but we are not specifically focused on the tasks and projects that make the most difference to our business.
We’re tinkering with things that are in our Zone of Incompetence.
Thinkings ‘if it is to be, it’s up to me’.
Or, we’re tinkering with things that SURE, we can do… but they’re not the most effective use of our time and someone else could possibly do them FASTER, and with less HASSLE and ultimately, LESS COST.
And, we tinker with things that we SHOULDN’T be doing at all. Things that are not really moving the needle towards our ultimate goals.
Maybe we’re doing things that NOBODY should be doing, tasks that are not aligned to your goals and objectives and your vision.
So, how do you finally get your butt on the seat and get unstuck and make progress?
Listen to hear how to finally sit your butt down, get past this stuck point and make progress on your most important projects.
Mentioned in this episode:
Listener Review

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- The Best Question to Ask When You Don’t Know What to Do Next
- When You Don’t have it All Figured Out, Do This
- The Clear Week
- A Case of the “I Don’t Want Tos”
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