You’ve likely heard the phrase: Proceed with caution.
If you’ve been in business for any time at all, you’ve likely made mistakes that have you be more cautious as you think about your next steps.
Maybe you tried to reach a revenue figure in 2020 and missed it by a mile. Or, you hired that person that you were counting on to get you out of the day to day and then they left. Or, you created a new online course and put it to market and then… crickets. Now, you’re not as bold about jumping into another big investment (in time and money)
Imagine moving into this year with a different attitude.
Imagine moving into your 2021 with abandon.
How might that change your results this year?
We don’t know how the year will pan out and what adventures might come our way. But, we see members of the HerBusiness Network putting in place their 2021 plans – working on their marketing, creating lead magnets, and launching memberships this year.
They are going from being solopreneurs to micropreneurs. That is, they are actively growing a team. They can move forward with their plans with fear and trepidation. Or, they can move into the new year with abandon – without concern.
2020 toughened us up a little, and we know to expect the unexpected. We know who has our back and which communities and groups to rely on to be there for us.
We also know that we may need to be flexible and agile – to take a new direction at a moment’s notice to grow or revitalise our business.
Moving ahead with abandon means saying NO to fear even when we don’t know what will happen when you move into the unknown.
So, if you’ve ever told yourself:
Don’t go too fast.
Don’t make mistakes.
Don’t make that investment in yourself unless you’re 100% sure.
Don’t make that investment in your business unless you’re 100% sure.
Then this episode is for you.
Listen to discover:
- What it means to proceed with abandon
- How your business is like art
- Why your vision demands that you say no to fear to move ahead
- Seven things that give you life force and energy and support your goals and the key things that diminish your energy
Mentioned in this episode:
The Art of Business: Creating a Business More Like You — with Nicholas Wilton
Listener Review

Here are some popular recent episodes:
- The Best Question to Ask When You Don’t Know What to Do Next
- When You Don’t have it All Figured Out, Do This
- The Clear Week
- A Case of the “I Don’t Want Tos”
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