Do you ever wonder if the path you’ve chosen is the right one for you?
What if you could figure out what kind of work will fill you with a sense of purpose and meaning, let you fully express yourself, your gifts, passions and skills, and drop you into that transcendent state of flow where you just know, deep down, you’re doing the work you were put on the planet to do?
Listen to this podcast episode with Jonathan Fields to discover:
- How to discover the ‘imprint’ for work that makes you COME ALIVE
- The clues that you’re doing what you’re REALLY here to do
- How to FEEL MORE ON PURPOSE and fully-expressed while doing MEANINGFUL work
- The pathway to MORE CONNECTION AND JOY and doing work that ‘sparks’ you
- What it looks like to live into YOUR POTENTIAL AND POSSIBILITY
Take the Sparketype Test
Take the Sparketype test. Your Sparketype reveals the essential nature of the work you’re here to do. Once you discover it, there is an immediate, intuitive knowing. An undeniable truth that explains so many past choices and outcomes, and empowers you to contribute to the world on a very different level. To spark your life, and ignite those around you.
And, be sure to subscribe to the HerBusiness Podcast for more great interviews with inspiring entrepreneurs.
Here are some popular recent episodes:
- Clockwork: Design a Business to Run Itself
- Becoming a Big Deal in Your Niche with Amy Porterfield
- How to Stop Marketing AT Your Customers and Start Marketing with Them with Seth Godin
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