If you find yourself frequently cutting your prices, accepting lower fees, or spending a whole lot more time delivering a service than you’d planned… this episode is for you.
When you find yourself overdelivering, again and again, you can start to feel resentful because you’re putting in way too much time and effort for what you’re getting in return.
In this episode of the HerBusiness Podcast, we look at:
- How to charge your worth confidently.
- What to do if you find it easier to offer your ‘free stuff’ than to ask people to buy
- How to stay ‘generous’ while you increase your prices
- Why stuffing ‘more’ into your offers could be driving clients away
- How to stop exchanging time for money (and what to do instead)
- The problem with the ‘hourly rate’ business model
- The big mistake I made for years that cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars
- How much value to give in your free Facebook Groups, challenges and other ‘free’ promotions (and what to hold back)
- Why adding people to your email list is burning a hole in your pocket
- How the Buyers’ Journey guides your prospects from FREE to PAID
- And a lot more.
Mentioned in This Episode: