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After seeing comments from some of our members who were questioning their own value, I realised that while I see their potential, they were only seeing where they were falling short in business. I’ve done the same thing, many times.
Played down my wins.
Felt less than awesome.
Wished things were different,
In this episode I explain how owning your awesomeness doesn’t mean you’ve got it all figured out. It doesn’t mean that you get all your goals, check off all your tasks, win the awards, get the publicity, make the sales. And, it doesn’t mean that you are arrogant or full of yourself when you do celebrate your awesomeness.
Every day, I encourage women in our HerBusiness community to – start a podcast, do a Facebook live, hire support in their business, take that leap, go for that bigger job, build that membership. Because so often we don’t recognise that we actually deserve the support or the pat on the back for what we are doing – now.
Some of us have decided that we will own our awesomeness when we achieve something BIG we have set out to do. But, certifications, awards, number of staff, annual revenue figures – none of these will make you feel more whole, more smart, more confident, more awesome without you ALSO stepping into ownership of the talents, skills, strengths, experience, and knowledge that any of those achievements and accolades represent.
We, each, just need to discover and embrace how spectacular we are and what we ARE achieving as business owners.
Listen to this episode to discover:
- Three small steps you can take today to start owning your awesomeness
- How self-appreciation helps you really own your achievements
- The tall-poppy syndrome and how it keeps us from sharing our achievements
- The magic of creating something from nothing as business owners
- How to declare your awesomeness without bringing anyone else down
- Why we want to compare ourselves to who we used to be, instead of comparing ourselves to others
- Self-appreciation – the key to a successful and happy life
Listener Review
Thanks to Lisa Gaines of Inspired Gaines for her podcast review.

Here are some popular recent episodes:
- Trusting Yourself More
- Nothing Compares 2 U
- Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
- Sharpening Your Voice
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