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Working Women’s Wish List

FLEXIBLE working hours, equal pay, a child-friendly workplace and an understanding boss are at the top of a working mother’s wish list, according to today’s Daily Telegraph.  http://www.news.com.au/business/story/0,23636,23322762-5012426,00.html When I was a full time working mother with a young... read more

Working Women’s Wish List

FLEXIBLE working hours, equal pay, a child-friendly workplace and an understanding boss are at the top of a working mother’s wish list, according to today’s Daily Telegraph.  http://www.news.com.au/business/story/0,23636,23322762-5012426,00.html When I was a full time working mother with a young... read more

Are You Working Too Hard?

Many of us are familiar with a number of recently published research reports that confirm women who work outside the home still take on responsibility for the lion(esses) share of housework, home management and childcare – even when they have male partners... read more

Mentornet starts tomorrow

36 mentorees (all women business-owner) start a six month business-development journey tomorrow when the MentorNet program begins. Nine mentors (from Aus and the US) will guide these women through the development of new skills to grow their business. Places... read more

Female Parliamentarians 2008

Our new parliament has 66 female members, many of whom are first-time representatives, keen and eager to respond to lobbying initiatives that will help them make their mark!  24% of Cabinet, the Outer Ministry and Parliamentary Secretaries are also women,... read more

Why Mentor?

Mentoring is a rewarding role to both the Mentor and the Mentoree. Assisting another reach their goals and being a sounding board and helping the Mentoree identify issues and see the solutions for themselves. The MentorNet program is the... read more