Do your offers suck?
Does this sound familiar? You have an AWESOME product. And when you can get a customer, they LOVE what you do. But it’s just so darned hard to get people to make that initial decision to buy from you!... read more
Does this sound familiar? You have an AWESOME product. And when you can get a customer, they LOVE what you do. But it’s just so darned hard to get people to make that initial decision to buy from you!... read more
Hey there. As a business owner, you can feel like you’re in a rut when there are too many demands competing for your attention, or you feel like you’ve hit a place where you’re stuck, and what worked before... read more
Some things come easy as you grow a business, and others are harder to navigate. For example, money was a block for me in the early years. I was a marketer, not a numbers person, and I told myself... read more
Getting clear on your ideal client is one of THE most important foundations of your content marketing. Because trying to say everything to everyone, means you end up saying nothing to no one. We’re all so over-marketed to, that... read more
Are bright shiny objects ruining your business? Are you skipping from marketing idea to marketing idea but finding nothing seems to “stick?” Are you so busy creating “new” stuff that you’re missing out on the benefits of (shock horror)... read more
When we think about making progress in business, we are often asked to set a vision, set our sights forward, and look ahead at what we want and what we can create in the future. But, what if... read more
One of the biggest challenges of being a business owner is juggling ALL the balls. You’re the website creator. You’re writing social posts. You’re managing customer service. You’re writing proposals. You’re even the finance, HR, and operations departments all... read more
You want to get more clients buying from you. You want to reach more people. You want to create more sales without working any harder. You’re not alone. What I’ve found coaching women for over 26 years is that... read more
Why do some businesswomen have a rich and ready-made network of people who give them referrals and introduce them to awesome clients while others are isolated, feeling alone and disconnected? And, why do some women always have a waitlist... read more
Hey there. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the international bestseller “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, gave me an important piece of advice when we were working together a few years back. “Business is a TEAM sport.” Whether you are a... read more
Imagine having a big, compelling vision for your business. And that you’ve put together the plan and know which key projects will lead your business to success. But you get flustered showing up on social media, reaching out to... read more
When Belinda Weaver started to see herself differently in her business, how others saw her as a business owner also changed. When she shifted her thinking about her role in the business, she stepped up and is now playing... read more