About Me - My Biography

In 2005 I launched Coastal Accounting Services (now called Business Performance HQ). My previous positions were in a variety of industries such as accounting firms, investment firm, government, small and medium business in the fields of management and financial accounting as well as information systems. Apart from this professional experience, my turning point was owning and operating a retail surf shop. This gave me the most practical experience in the operations of a business than any of my previous accounting experience had. All of this combined experience has enabled me to engross myself within a clients business operations and advise and systemise their business by utilising the financial numbers to unveil the story behind the numbers. Now I work with small business using a five step process: – Be organised – Review Regularly – Understand the meaning behind the numbers – Change the meaning, change the numbers – Work on the business. These steps can involve services as simple as setting up an efficient filing system to paying suppliers, processing of invoices, reconciliations and BAS, management accounting analysis and Monthly/Quarterly Profit and Loss Reporting through to systems analysis and implementation and mentoring.

My Expertise

As an owner of a surf shop for 5 years and only recently sold, this experience has given me the ability to relate to small business owners about the issues they face in their business every day. Whether that be financial issues such as cashflow, or staff issues, marketing and promotions, time erosion from working in the business, lack of focus due to interruptions or my speciality, what is the story behind their financial numbers and what can be done about it.

My Passions

My passion is learning and teaching others about what I learn. There is no bigger thrill for me than someone understanding what I am teaching and applying that knowledge to their business and seeing the results of that application.

My Interests

learning about business, beach walking, outrigging, spending time with my family, sewing, martha stewart, beautiful stationery and organising products, my ipod

How I Can Help Other Members

Accounting and Financial numbers can be tricky to grasp especially for creative types. I can help you understand your business numbers, the story behind them as well as ways to improve them. Being organised in business is one of the challenges that once acheived can make owners and their business extremely effective and productive. We achieve this through regular mentoring sessions and implementation of systems, procedures and processes.

Why I Became a HerBusiness Member

I joined the ABN to be able to connect with other “”like minded”” business women and utilise the many resources they have at their disposal. Not only have I found those people but the resources have been fantastic. Being a participant in Mentornet was the springboard to so many things that I am now achieving. Being accountable to your pod and mentor makes you action oriented, and that skill remains after the program is completed.