Negotiate Your Way To Success

Negotiate Your Way To Success How women can convince, collaborate and create more effectively. Women still earn only 80 cents for every dollar a man earns. On average, women pay more $500-$1000 more than men when buying cars –... read more

New Year, So What?

The 2010 December/ 2011 January issue of Dynamic Business Magazine includes a feature called ‘New Year, So What?’ HerBusiness’s Suzi Dafnis was part of a selection of business owners asked about their plans for 2011. read more

Business 21C Podcast – Networking Special

Business 21C is a vibrant community that comes together around common interest in dynamic new ways of thinking about business, innovation, creativity, design and integrative thinking. HerBusiness’s Suzi Dafnis and member Dominique Antarakis of The Copy Collective were part of a recent episode of... read more

Pitching for Business

Looking for new business? How you pitch yourself and your business makes a big difference to the results you get. This new webinar explores strategies for written and face-to-face business proposals and bids that work. Perfect your business pitch... read more