Got a big meeting you need to boost your negotiations skills for? Wondering how to make a start on your business plan? Need to get more traction on social media? Looking for a new strategy to get more sales? Choose from one of this great trainings or become a HerBusiness Network Member and you get access to an online portal containing more than 165 trainings that you could access whenever you needed it, covering all those topics and more.

“I have the best online business library I have ever seen. Not to mention the podcasts that are on automatic play each time I get into my car. HerBusiness is my business university, it’s my one stop shop on ‘how-to’ for every single business problem I can face. It’s got my back and that’s a hugely reassuring feeling as a small business owner because of huge emotional, financial and mental investment you make in your business.”

— Yelda Adal-Hall, Sense of Style

Hug Your Haters

You probably think you’re pretty good at customer service. After all, 80% of companies say they deliver superior customer service. But guess what? Only 8% of their customers agree. A big change in customer expectations is occurring RIGHT NOW,... read more