Have You Trained Yourself to Fail?
Autopilot is a beautiful thing when we want to pop on our running gear as soon as we get out of bed, or grab the apple instead of the muffin on the morning tea table. But what happens when... read more
Autopilot is a beautiful thing when we want to pop on our running gear as soon as we get out of bed, or grab the apple instead of the muffin on the morning tea table. But what happens when... read more
For most business owners, the day to day hustle and grind leaves us little time to reflect and to have perspective on what is going on in our business. A friend of mine has a great saying: “You can’t... read more
Member Tasha Jennings invites you to join her FREE webinar, ‘How Your Home Affects Your Fertility’, which tackles how hidden chemicals around your home may be impacting your health and wellbeing. Tasha will be speaking with Building Biologist, best selling... read more
So often in business, we face challenges. Be it financial, staff, time, balance or self-doubt & overwhelm to name a few. We handle them in a variety of ways but generally speaking, I think it would be safe to... read more
You’re interviewing your next candidate and all the pressure is on them, right? Wrong! – I hate to be the one to tell you but, unfortunately, the pressure is also (and moreso) on you! Why – you ask? Why... read more
Do you struggle with communicating the value of what you do? Do you cringe at asking clients to commit to you? If that sounds like you, then member Frances Pratt invites you to join the KISS To Sell Sales... read more
Member Fiona Keary invites you to join her FREE webinar — ‘What’s Your Style Personality? How to Fall in Love With Your Wardrobe Again’ featuring Kristi Gooden. The webinar will talk about: How style personality is key to falling... read more
Are you an effective leader? How do you know? Do you want people to support you and your business because they want to or because they have to? What method do you use to evaluate your own leadership skills?... read more
When we ask women in our community what their top marketing priorities are right now, 45% rated email marketing as their number one priority. And 75% rated email marketing in their top three priorities. Now, to be effective with... read more
The average number of emails a person receives in the normal course of business each day is currently 122 (and rising). If you are not standing out and delivering value, your emails will be ignored. Today you need to... read more
One of the biggest challenges small business owners have is getting new customers. It can feel expensive, time consuming, confusing and just plain frustrating. But there IS a way you can grow your list, find MORE of your ideal customers and... read more
You could have the most amazing email in the world… … but if your subject line doesn’t entice people to open that email… … nobody is going to see it! Boosting your email open rates is one of THE... read more