You might start out really enthusiastic about your content plans, but within no time you can be left feeling overwhelmed, disinterested and out of ideas.
In this episode, your hosts Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon give you a shot in the arm of motivation and inspiration to help you get back on the content horse if you feel like you’ve fallen off, got off track or run out steam.
Suzi and Michelle share three of the most powerful ways they’ve found to stay motivated when it comes to creating content for the long term.
Listen to this episode to hear more about:
- How to keep the “new year glow” on your marketing plans, all year long!
- One small tweak you can make to the way you layout your content plan that can transform your daily motivation (and that of your team)
- Why you might want to consider making a “grand declaration” to friends, colleagues or even your customers!
- The ideal length of time to forward plan your content in detail (and why more or less than that is almost guaranteed to demotivate you!)
- The “daily tallies” strategy that has proved the game changer motivating our Masterminders in a range of businesses from property, health, fitness and more…
- Why you want to spend time focusing on the results your customers are getting (and the side effect that will keep you motivated)
- The “Grit” secret every successful content marketer uses to “stay in the game”
- And much more.
Also mentioned in this episode: