Feel like you’re putting a ton of effort into your marketing and getting nowhere? Imagine putting in LESS effort and getting MORE results. Sounds like a pipe dream!
But in this episode, your hosts Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon chat with Denise Duffield-Thomas, author of the best-selling (and newly re-released) book, Chill & Prosper, about how she’s done EXACTLY that. Growing a multi-million dollar business selling ONE product AND making time for her young family.
No, she’s not a unicorn (although she is pretty special). In this episode Denise shares some simple things she’s done that made all the difference… and that YOU can do too!
Find out about Denise’s book Chill & Prosper and all the great BONUS Gifts she has when you purchase a copy.
Go here for more info.
Listen to this episode to hear more about:
- What does it ACTUALLY mean to ‘Chill & Prosper’?
- Why here “All roads lead to Bootcamp” mindset has resulted in more than 8000 graduates of her Money Bootcamp program and been the cornerstone of her massively successful business.
- The 3 word phrase she had made into a lightbox that keeps her team focused on keeping things simple (and hugely profitable!).
- The structure she uses to create FREEDOM in her business instead of what it can be for many people, a PRISON.
- Her fantastic distinction between your marketing being “Effort-Less” vs “Effort-None” (she’s a realist but she also bucks the status quo and we LOVE that!).
- Why she doesn’t let herself record a new Money Bootcamp product every year (this one piece of advice could be a game-changer for you too).
- How to use “Money Language” in your marketing (and why you WANT to!)
- The “working hard” mindset and why it’s keeping so many people, well, WORKING HARD! And how you can start to shift that to allow making money in your business to be easier.
- Boundaries – how to have ‘em and how to keep ‘em!
- And much more!
Also mentioned in this episode:
- HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind
- Marketing Mastermind Experience
- The REACH Retreat in Hawaii
- Denise Duffield-Thomas
- Chill & Prosper Book + Bonuses
- Money Bootcamp
- Kylie Maidment from Switched-On Kids Cognition
Buy the Book