Mentoring Resources

Are you insured or unsure?

As a business owner you can face risks of theft, fire and damaged business equipment. Insurance is necessary but it’s not always easy to know what insurance you need. If you’re home-based, that can also add complications. That’s why... read more

Are you Mentor-Ready?

If you’re in your own business (at least 6 month) and are looking to grow, then you could be Mentor-Ready. Take part in our 30minute obligation-free consultation and you could have wins like these: It made me really think... read more

Mentornet starts tomorrow

36 mentorees (all women business-owner) start a six month business-development journey tomorrow when the MentorNet program begins. Nine mentors (from Aus and the US) will guide these women through the development of new skills to grow their business. Places... read more