Business Plans Made Easy
If you don’t know where you’re heading, any road will get you there! Start with a plan. Why do we need to plan? A good business plan will guide your business, help you make informed choices and remain focused.... read more
If you don’t know where you’re heading, any road will get you there! Start with a plan. Why do we need to plan? A good business plan will guide your business, help you make informed choices and remain focused.... read more
Are you thinking of taking the plunge, quitting your job and diving into the wonderful world of business? Or perhaps you’ve already done it and are now sitting in your home office, terrified and wondering what to do next?... read more
The diversity in people always fascinates me. And when it comes to customer service, the differences in personalities can be particularly striking. It’s the people involved (rather than the specific product) that makes the service memorable in either a... read more
A useful definition of insanity is: “Doing what you did yesterday and expecting a different outcome.” Uh huh. I agree – it’s crazy! Yet how many of us want improved lives and enhanced performance – without the will to... read more
Your goals are WHAT you want to achieve, where you want to go. But to achieve them you should also look at the WHO of the project: the sort of person you would need to be and how you... read more
A true entrepreneur, Gail Austen’s business nous is a natural attribute and she has been creating her own enterprises from the tender age of seven. Gail is also a recognised crusader for the rights of the disadvantaged and disabled.... read more
There is an old adage “everyone has a book in them”. If this is true, are you one of the ones who have done something about it or have you felt constrained by unfounded myths and publishing industry perceptions?... read more
It’s time to dust off your business plan Raising capital is obviously an essential function of any business plan, but a well-prepared plan can provide the business owner many other benefits. It can help her realistically assess her expectations... read more
At the time of writing this I was at Starbucks in Houston airport, with the infinite variety of humanity swirling around me. I’d just finished spending time with my new marketing contractor, Trish Lambert. We met via the internet.... read more
In nearly every training program that I have ever conducted that has to do with creating increases in income, wealth or prosperity, we end up talking about setting goals. This is probably a no-brainer for you. You KNOW that... read more
For a number of years now, mortgage interest rates have been at historical lows in much of the Western world, in some cases at 40-year lows. The general consensus is that low rates mean low mortgage interest payments, and... read more
Each of us resides in at least one of the four quadrants of the CASHFLOW Quadrant. Where we are is determined by where our main source of income comes from. Many of us rely on pay cheques and are... read more