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Working Women’s Wish List

FLEXIBLE working hours, equal pay, a child-friendly workplace and an understanding boss are at the top of a working mother’s wish list, according to today’s Daily Telegraph.  http://www.news.com.au/business/story/0,23636,23322762-5012426,00.html When I was a full time working mother with a young... read more

Working Women’s Wish List

FLEXIBLE working hours, equal pay, a child-friendly workplace and an understanding boss are at the top of a working mother’s wish list, according to today’s Daily Telegraph.  http://www.news.com.au/business/story/0,23636,23322762-5012426,00.html When I was a full time working mother with a young... read more

Are You Working Too Hard?

Many of us are familiar with a number of recently published research reports that confirm women who work outside the home still take on responsibility for the lion(esses) share of housework, home management and childcare – even when they have male partners... read more