Stephanie Barros

Igniting Your SPARK
- to achieve your next level of engagement, joy and confidence!
Coaching & Mentoring
My Connection Statement
I work with corporate women in male-dominated industries
to increase their engagement, confidence and joy in work and life
through my certified 12-session high performance coaching program
online in groups and one-on-one.
About Me - My Biography
“I help you (and your team!) discover your unique success formula, Igniting Your SPARK to achieve your next level of engagement, joy and confidence through a proven 12-session coaching program backed by research, data and science with a 9/10 satisfaction rating!”
Stephanie is an inspiring and passionate high performance coach, facilitator, speaker and international best-selling author with an insatiable appetite for continuous learning; she is approachable, engaging and focused on Igniting Your SPARK to explode your potential and live life fully!
For over 25 years, Stephanie has created sustainable high performance cultures driving results consistently over the long term. She has worked in the corporate world with a variety of individuals, teams and functions. Stephanie is focused on individuals and teams’ personal and professional development with a particular passion for developing talent, culture, and leadership potential in IT Professionals and for IT Organisations. Stephanie is a certified high performance coach, trained facilitator, and multi-disciplinary senior leader with experience in Information Technology, Finance, and Human Resources. She has worked in the Healthcare, Property and Financial Services industries. She has a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Master of Business (Information Technology Management) from the University of Technology, Sydney.
Stephanie coaches individuals and teams from her extensive experience; she facilitates workshops in high performance, captivating communications, personal and professional leadership development. In addition, Stephanie speaks to small and large audiences on various topics, including having delivered a TEDx talk on Making Connections. She is a volunteer mentor for Females in Information Technology & Telecommunications, a co-founder of the Women Leading into the Future movement. Stephanie was the Asia Pacific Regional Director of IT for Johnson and Johnson in her last corporate role.
My Expertise
Having spent over 25 years in the corporate world, the last 10 years as an executive, I experienced firsthand, as well as with those I mentored, the challenges women, in particular, face working full-time, leading teams, managing stakeholders, climbing the proverbial ladder in addition to everything at home…partner, children, family and friends.
I have led, mentored and coached others throughout and post my corporate career; hold a number of certifications in mentoring and facilitation, and am a Certified High Performance Coach by the High Performance Institute.
My Passions
I love helping women have the career and lead the life they truly want, not the one they or others “expect”.
I am particularly focused on the personal and professional development of individuals and teams with a particular passion for developing talent, culture and leadership potential in IT Professionals and for IT Organisations.
My Interests
I love learning, reading, spending time with my husband and kids, eating great food and connecting with extended family and friends.
How I Can Help Other Members
The High Performance Coaching program is a proven 12-session coaching program backed by research, data and science with a 9/10 satisfaction rating. Whilst my experience leads me to focus on female corporate professionals, I have also successfully coached both female and male entrepreneurs, lawyers, fitness trainers and traders; so am more than happy to help other members who want to reach heightened and sustained levels of performance and potential.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
Community, Connection, Comraderie and support to help grow and sustain my business.
My Member to Member Offer(s)
My free eBook 5 Steps to Ignite Your SPARK