Eleni Mitakos
- Founder and Boss Lady
About Me - My Biography
I (yes I wrote my BIO myself, doesn’t everyone?), have had a passion for driving and tinkering with cars, since buying my first vintage car as a teenager. That car was a 1956 Holden FE, which had neither side view mirrors, nor seatbelts, but I thought it made me the coolest gal in town!
So, in love with my first car and navy overalls on, I was eager to get my hands greasy! There’s the dipstick, I know what that does! But what does this thing do? And this one? And where do I go to find out? Now remember we are talking about a time way before the internet and there wasn’t a section in the Encyclopaedia (really big expensive reference books) titled ‘hot car tips for cool chicks’! There just wasn’t anywhere to go as a girl to get to know your car. I didn’t want car mats with frangipanis, or Betty Boop air-fresheners. I was looking for a car culture I could have fun with.
So one evening whilst out enjoying a rockabilly band wearing full skirts and with our Holden’s parked outside, my friend Kristy and I dreamt of a metaphysical garage just for the gals. Why this car is automatic, hydromatic, – it’s Galmatic! And 13 years later, with that dream still in mind, I left the corporate world behind and started Galmatic – an old fashioned service orientated car care garage – hands on, friendly and trustworthy. The push to brave the change was the hormones that kick in after child birth, reminding me that I was super talented (after all I had a little human to prove that) and the dream that there was more to life than working ‘for the man’ (sing Roy Orbison song here).
So what’s under my bonnet? Well, some nuts and bolts, 25 years’ of driving both old and new cars, a lifetime of teaching and training and a desire to introduce other women to the fun and enjoyment of being car and road savvy.
My Expertise
Corporate training, both facilitation and writing training material. Author, public speaking and expert red lipstick wearer.
My Passions
Training, especially teenagers, fifties cars, red lipstick, branding, marketing and brainstorming.
My Interests
Training, rowing, vintage clothing, playing with my children, collecting barbie dolls and eating chocolate.
How I Can Help Other Members
Growing a start up business from home with children at your feet can be overwhelming. Staying focused on your goal and taking action steps every day is the key.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
I enjoy hearing other women’s ideas and stories. Networking and learning.