What to do with your Content Marketing when things get tough?
Of course, it doesn’t have to be a global pandemic, like what we’re seeing now for times to get tough… all of us at one point or another are going to experience those difficult times…
Whether it’s a downturn in our industry, the loss of a big client that creates cashflow issues, a personal health crisis, issues with your team and perhaps losing a key team member or not being able to find the right support team. Really, the list is endless of what CAN go wrong!
In this episode your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon answer the question: “How do you get going and keep going when a crisis hits or a big challenge forces you to change the way you are operating?” Especially seeing as the tendency can be to isolate and shutdown… but this is the VERY time you need to be connecting and communicating with your audience!
Listen to this episode to hear more about:
- The particular place you need to put your focus when crisis hits and why not doing this will leave you overwhelmed and confused about what to communicate
- How a Pilates Studio owner shifted her focus and was able to pivot to create a brand new service in just a few days, that her clients LOVED
- Why we find it so hard to communicate in times of uncertainty and the powerful 4-part framework for communicating ANYTHING – even when you don’t have all the facts.
- Why failing to communicate with your audience in times of change creates a “vacuum” (and what your audience is putting in that vacuum instead – hint: it’s not good!)
- Why providing psychological safety is more important than providing the facts (so don’t wait until you know everything to be communicating)
- How to use your support network in the tough times to stop from isolating and withdrawing from your market and your business.
- The GIANT mistake most people are making right now with their pre-scheduled content (and what to do about it)
- How to avoid sounding “tone-deaf” to your audience when THEY are going through a tough time
- And much more.
Also mentioned in this episode: