As we near the end of the year we were thinking about how we’d like to round things out and one of the things we’ve done over the past year that was really popular was to share some of the top Marketing tips from the very talented women in our Marketing Success Mastermind… and so we’ve decided to do that again!
We recently asked our Masterminders to share the #1 content marketing strategy or tip that is most effective for them in their business right NOW… so you know it’s relevant and actually working for other people like you, in business TODAY.
Listen to this episode to hear more about:
- The one strategy an online legal kit firm is using to create compelling customer stories, even in a regulated industry
- How a fitness business is using MVPs to iterate faster and get to what’s working sooner (without an excess cost of time and money)
- How to apply the “MVP” philosophy to all kinds of products and industries… even books!
- The incredibly smart thing a music education business to leverage a big industry conference by creating their own “online show” – and how that dramatically improved their authority and brand awareness
- The unexpected “knock-on” effects of spending time creating and curating your customer stories
- How to create a “peaches and cream” match when looking for strategic alliances – and how businesses as diverse as sales CRMs, electrical trades, fashion and music are winning with strategic partnerships
- How a fashion stylist is taking one 2-minute piece of regular content she creates every week and repurposing it across social, email and other platforms to get maximum leverage
- And much more.
Also mentioned in this episode:
- HerBusiness Success Mastermind
- Episode 121 – Content Lessons Learned from Lady Gaga
- Episode 20 – How To Get Awesome Client Stories and Customer Testimonials
- Strong Healthy Women
- Black Rock Music
- Piano Teaching Success
- Zyteq
- Talking Mats Australia
- RP Emery Legal Kits
- SalesPod
- Lady Gaga Enigma Residency Las Vegas