If you have an online course or you are thinking of creating an online course, there’s growing evidence that you need to elevate the EXPERIENCE your course takers have beyond the everyday to become something amazing that they love taking part in AND that they learn a lot from.
In this episode your hosts, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon speak with online course “Experiencification” expert, Marisa Murgatroyd about the specific things you can do to transform an “ordinary” course into an extraordinary experience.
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Listen to this episode to hear more about:
- Why your online course is not about “Information Transfer”
- The importance of understanding people don’t just care about what they’re learning, they care about how they FEEL during the experience
- The perils of taking people’s attention for granted and how you can earn the right to ask people to give you their time and money for your online training
- Why it’s essential you understand what the “win state” is and give people taking your course a clear understanding of what that is and how they are progressing towards achieving it
- The “dirty little secret” the online course industry is hiding about how many people ACTUALLY complete the courses they buy (and what you can do to buck the trend)
- Why making the shift to seeing your Online Course as being in the “transformation business” will get you more engagement, higher completion rates, less refunds and more super fans who refer you to their friends.
- How to shift from being “salesy” to passionate when it comes to marketing your online course (this one is so powerful, and so unbelievably easy you will hardly believe it can be true!)
- And much more.
Also mentioned in this episode:
- HerBusiness Success Mastermind
- Content Sells Episode 139 – How To Create Profitable Online Courses
- Marisa’s Live Your Message Website
- Marisa’s Live Your Message Facebook Group
- Marisa’s Experience Formula