It’s a milestone day! This is Episode 100!
We posted our first episode of Content Sells on September 18, 2015… and since then we’ve published an episode virtually every two weeks.
Now it’s time to clink a glass of Champagne and celebrate… with some AWESOME Content Marketing insights of course!
What we thought might be fun, given how much we love our community, was to share some of YOUR brilliance here on this episode… so we asked some of our MOST loyal listeners to share with us their most effective marketing strategy that is working for them right now.
Plus we share some of our insights after 100 episodes of the show!
Listen to this episode to hear more about:
- How fashion stylist, Fiona Keary of Style Liberation, is using a weekly live Retail Review in her Facebook Group to get new clients and build a thriving community.
- How Amanda Farmer – a lawyer with a difference – created a membership site focused on apartment owners called Your Strata Property and is leveraging Strategic Alliances to grow her business.
- What Yvonne Shepherd, CEO of Women’s Fitness Adventures did to REALLY understand her Ideal Client that has enabled her to enjoy MASSIVE growth in the last 12 months.
- How doing client interviews transformed the results Tracey Bode was getting in her amazing business providing electronic assistive technology to people with disabilities.
- How Amanda MacLean re-purposed her content to save time and get noticed on more platforms when she launched her new program, the Gravitas Project.
- How an online legal documents business run by Nadia McLeod and her husband, used surveys and client feedback to decide “what’s next”
- How Frieda Maher, got her effective sales diagnostic up and running as part of her SalesPod service by letting go of one idea that was holding her back.
- How Peta Green of Strong Healthy Women is monitoring her results and using her numbers to get significant increases in her conversions.
- How hand therapist, Amy Geach is using the power of a waitlist to get more customers by creating scarcity that is turning into sales. And much more.
Also mentioned in this episode: