Welcome to the very first episode of Content Sells with your hosts Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon. We’re referring to this as episode ZERO because we want to give you an overview of what’s to come.
What’s it all about?
Everybody’s jumping on the Content Marketing bandwagon.
But most people are doing it wrong. Spinning their wheels creating a heap of content, including lead magnets, blog posts, webinars, email campaigns, you name it, but still not getting any closer to their goals.
So, how do you create content that sells?
Join Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon, two content marketers who know how to turn content into customers, each week as we give you content marketing strategies that help you attract, convert and keep your ideal clients.
Plus, along with occasional guest experts, we’ll show you how to implement those strategies – so the content you create, whether it’s the pages on your website, what you do on social media, what you say when you’re asked to give a presentation or interact with your audience on any platform online and offline, is really working for you.
Who is Content Sells for?
This podcast is for anyone who is ultimately responsible for the marketing in their organisation, including;
- those who are just getting started with content marketing and keen to embrace these new strategies
- anyone who might already be doing content marketing and just not getting the traction they want
Looking forward to sharing Content Sells with you… and remember, “no content without conversion!”