In this Roundtable you will learn…

Sales are the lifeblood of your business. But for many businesses sales can be very “ad hoc” and marketing is very often reactive, rather than proactive – meaning you can be really busy one month and quiet the next, and suffering from a real peak and trough in your cash flow as a result and that can be hugely stressful.

Successful businesses find a way to create repeatable results with their sales and marketing – they understand who their ideal client is and they have a marketing system that leverages the power of automation so they can continue to grow and not have to constantly be re-inventing the wheel or chasing bright shiny objects.

One of the easiest was to do this is with a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is anything you offer your prospects in exchange for their contact details – it’s the thing that causes your prospect to go from being unknown to known to you.

Even though the lead magnet is typically free, it needs to represent enough value that people will want to give you their details – because they are still paying for it – there’s still a cost to them to give you their details – are they going to get a heap of unwanted emails? their inbox already full, is there a sales pitch coming?

How Roundtables Work

HerBusiness Network Roundtables are facilitated sessions that give you an opportunity to address and discuss business issues and to focus the direction of your business development. Roundtables bring to light key issues to be brainstormed and are forums for collaboration and shared experiences in a group mentoring environment.

Mentioned in this recording

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HerBusiness Network Roundtable

Event Details

  • HerBusiness Network Roundtable - January 2021
  • Speakers: Suzi Dafnis
  • Venue: Online

About the Guest

Hi there. I’m Suzi Dafnis, CEO at HerBusiness. My BIG passion is helping women business owners to grow and scale their business, so that they can create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. Every day I am inspired by the more than 30,000 amazing women (and...