Money and Finances Resources

How to Improve Your Cash Flow

Cashflow is the lifeblood of any enterprise from a street stall, corner shop or charity, right through to a transnational conglomerate. When cashflow plummets (or isn’t there right from the word go), then the enterprise faces, at best, challenging... read more

Job Security is Dead

The collapses of Ansett and HIH Insurance, and the troubles at global companies like Andersen and Enron, reinforce what world leading financial educator and author Robert Kiyosaki has been saying for years: job security is an obsolete idea. “Today,... read more

Money is a Drug

In our family, we had a cousin Willy. Cousin Willy was an alcoholic, but no one ever said anything about it. At least not to his face. Everyone just pretended that there was no problem… including cousin Willy. I... read more