Designing a Magnificent Life
Being successful does not have to be at the expense of family… I like to say that life is primary! Work is meant to fund life, not become life. As much as you may have convinced yourself otherwise, being... read more
Being successful does not have to be at the expense of family… I like to say that life is primary! Work is meant to fund life, not become life. As much as you may have convinced yourself otherwise, being... read more
There are certain activities we must do each day if we want to be successful in business. So why don’t we have more tangible results to show for all our efforts? How is it that one person can achieve... read more
The following is the story of how my wife Kim, my best friend Larry Clark, and I began our journey from broke, to rich, to retired in less than 10 years. When Kim and I started, we were nearly... read more
One of the elements of life is motion. Despite any “evidence” to the contrary, each individual is moving and is either spiraling upwards or spiraling downwards. Each person is going somewhere, i.e., headed in a particular direction. Lawrence West,... read more
It is through the influence process that we generate and manage change. Like most things, the process can be handled poorly or well. It can be employed to foster growth and to move people away from negative choices and... read more
“…some of the biggest entrepreneurial success stories of the last twenty years have been masterminded by Jay Abraham. When a man can take the same people, the same company, the same efforts, the same expenses, but by changing strategy... read more
Blair Singer operates from the premise that organisational change and development can only truly happen as a function of personal development. His business is turning companies into Fast Companies through team, leadership, sales and communication training. He also trains... read more
Life-force Particles: The basic force in the universe is life force, and particles are small pieces, bits, fragments, or parts of a whole. Life-force Particles then can be defined as fragments of the life force known as you. Therefore,... read more
Many thousands of years ago, the Greek Gods were meeting on Mount Olympus contemplating an issue of major concern. They wanted to hide the secret to the meaning of life and could not decide where to conceal it. The... read more
My real dad came from the world of academics, a world where mistakes are perceived as bad and to be avoided. My rich dad came from the streets. To him, mistakes were opportunities to learn something new, something he... read more
On any given day, each of us is confronted with a myriad of situations that can range from the mundane to the unusual. We quickly recognise, process, and react to these situations in a relatively automatic fashion. We have... read more
All over the world people are enthralled with the American (and Australian) TV program “Who wants to be a Millionaire?”, where, by answering a series of questions correctly, the contestant can walk away with a million dollars. No doubt... read more