Who’s Controlling Your Business’ Destiny
Can you imagine if your car didn’t have a dashboard? Picture yourself in your car right now, and all you have in front of you is the steering wheel. And you’re about to go out for a long drive.... read more
Can you imagine if your car didn’t have a dashboard? Picture yourself in your car right now, and all you have in front of you is the steering wheel. And you’re about to go out for a long drive.... read more
Can you imagine if your car didn’t have a dashboard? Picture yourself in your car right now, and all you have in front of you is the steering wheel. And you’re about to go out for a long drive.... read more
You have the title, a team that reports to you and a defined business purpose and responsibility. The business environment and competition is tough and you are looking at new ways to ensure continued growth and success. You spend... read more
Your tribe Every business has a tribe. They are your clients, customers, staff, suppliers, and contacts. They are out there talking about you. Interpreting your business and the experience they have with it – using their own language when... read more
Where are you now? Where do you want to be? How are you going to get there? Would you believe that those three simple questions are amongst the most powerful tools that you’ll ever use as a business owner?... read more
If you look at Australia’s Top 10 companies you’ll see four banks, two miners, one insurer, one Telco, one supermarket and a hardware chain. Their products aren’t at all glamorous. Australia’s Rich list is the same story – miners,... read more
If your company had exhausted all of its marketing dollars and could not spend anything else on lead generation, what could you and your colleagues do to create income? Client referrals – one of the highest sources of leads... read more
Sophie Lui was born in the jungles of Cambodia during her family’s escape from the brutal Pol Pot regime. She grew up in a tiny apartment in Paris with her mother and brother, and migrated to Australia at age nine where she picked... read more
YES! If your business doesn’t have a website your business will eventually get lost in the Stone Age. Recent studies show that 80% of people look for products and services online first, and even research your business, before they... read more
Whether you are offering a product or a service, the Internet enables you to reach customers all over the globe, who can conveniently order from your online store 24 hours/7 days a week. The primary difference between a regular... read more
Here are ten reasons to be active on Facebook: Meet your peers Facebook is not just for college kids anymore. Members are typically older and more mature than on other sites, and there are more white collar users. Find... read more
As the founder and host of Wonderful Web Women I am lucky to lead an on-line community of thousands of women (and enlightened women) from around the world who are all passionate about creating success on the Internet. One... read more