My Connection Statement

I help stuck, frustrated mid-level corporate professionals boost their mindset, interview and networking confidence to land jobs and promotions they want or change to careers they love while earning the incomes they deserve through my online and group coaching HAPPY Career Program.

About Me - My Biography

I always say my mess became my success.

Over 20 years ago my relationship with my daughter’s father imploded and I was left pregnant, alone and in a financial mess. Out of desperation I began my trial and error journey into the world of better careers  higher incomes and online business driven by the plain and simple need for more money so I could clear the debt and support my daughter. 

Through a lot of research (picking recruiter and HR managers’ brains over copious cups of tea) and writing and re-writing my own resume a gazillion times I landed a role which increased my income by $40k within 6 months. Two years later I was earning what I call an above average six figure income i.e. $250k and above. I started helping family and friends on a part-time basis to achieve the same and that’s how career coaching and resume writing became a part-time business for me alongside a full-time 20+ years career of hiring and managing teams on some of the biggest Transformation Projects in top tier companies in Banking, Telco, Energy, Retail, Consulting etc.

After a health scare in 2018, I decided it was time to do more of what I love and less of what I thought I had to do. I said goodbye to Corporate and took on my love of words by showcasing people, their skills, experiences and contributions as a full-time career and business documents writer. 

My company, Resume Elevator, morphed into more than writing professional documents and these days we offer transferable skills analysis, career transition coaching and mindset coaching. I’ve discovered through my professional and personal life and through the clients I coach that fear and anxiety are the two biggies which keep people stuck in places they hate. Taking the edge off that fear underpins everything we offer at Resume Elevator. 

I’ve recently created the HAPPY Career Hub where we help mid-level corporate professionals and business owners build mindset confidence to build and cultivate mutually beneficial connections by leveraging the biggest global professional platform, LinkedIn, to attract ideal clients and JV partners.  

And then there’s my true love – the thing that I would do (in fact am doing) that I don’t yet get paid for – novel writing. I’ve been at this novel writing palaver for a long time. It is squeezed into the cracks of a very busy schedule, but something that if I didn’t do it, I wouldn’t be a happy me. 

In the end it comes down to contributing my love of words to motivate, encourage, entertain and teach.

My Expertise

In my 20 plus years in Corporate and ICT I worked primarily in the roles of Program Office Manager and Hiring Manager for major ICT Programs in top-tier companies across Australia. I know what people who hire people look for when deciding on who to hire, who to fire or who to promote.

I’ve also changed jobs and careers and continued to grow my income through building a reputation of reliability, knowing the changing hiring landscape and tapping into the power of networks. LinkedIn, in particular, has been where I’ve generated most of my connections and continue to increase lead generation. Aside from helping individuals uplift their LinkedIn presence I also help Businesses have a compelling presence on LinkedIn through strong, professional narratives.

My expertise lies in: LinkedIn profiles (both individual and business page profiles), Career Documents,  Career Transition Coaching and Value Propositions that open career and business opportunities.


My Passions

Words are my super powers or at least when I am engaged in the written word I feel like I can fly and there is no limit to where I can take off to.

Where most people hate writing resumes or LinkedIn profiles or copy that’s about selling their skills and accomplishments, I love it. People think I’m weird because I love this type of writing so much, but what’s the old saying – one person’s poison is another person’s elixir. And it’s not simply copy or business writing for me. Words weave their way through so many threads of my life and I spend my rare free time writing poetry, short stories and novels. I suppose you could say it’s in my blood.

Above all else I prefer to use the written word to elevate; to contribute something positive that will bring something good to another’s life.

My Interests

I’m a keen traveler and have set up my life and business so I can do at least one trip per year, sometimes two or three. My bucket list countries is long and I continue to add to that list every time I hear about or see someone else’s fun adventures abroad. I prefer to travel off the beaten track down the alleyways and places that are not necessarily well-known tourist spots.

I’m an avid reader and often get through 2 – 3 books per month. No matter how busy things get for me, I find time to read. Some of my favourite books are: A Woman’s Worth (Marianne Williamson), Stillness is the Key (Ryan Holiday), the entire Harry Potter Series (J.K.Rowling) and On Writing (Stephen King).

Writing short stories and novels is something I’ll do to my last breath, whether they see the light of publishing days or not.

How I Can Help Other Members

I can help other members create strong LinkedIn profiles and leverage LinkedIn to attract their ideal B2B or B2C clients through empowered connections and networking and creating strong value propositions.

Why I Became a HerBusiness Member

In a nutshell – I was struggling with the isolation of running my own business and working from home, away from face-to-face contact. It was simply not good for my mental, emotional and spiritual well-being to feel so isolated.

The writer in me loves the quiet, hermit moments of producing written content, but the people lover and team builder really misses huddling together with others to share ideas, develop strategies and band together to reach successful outcomes. Making connections and learning from other women on the same journey in the HerBusiness community has been a God-send for me.

My Member to Member Offer(s)

  1. What I can offer members is writing assistance to uplift their LinkedIn presence, rank better in LinkedIn’s algorithms and quick tips and tricks for building connections through LinkedIn. Quoting “HerBusinessFriend” when contacting me via email at will incur a 30% discount off my usual rates.
  2. Since most members here are running their own businesses and not looking for jobs or new careers, I can offer a member’s immediate family (child or spouse) a FREE resume assessment and a 30 minute career clarification call if they are looking for better jobs, higher incomes or simply wanting to change careers.