My Passions

I am passionate about empowering others to fight their communication fears and build confidence in their language. Whether it is to lead a group or to put boundaries around inappropriate behaviours. In finding the right words for the individual and taking action confidence grows. While it is not always easy, with each step confidence and effectiveness builds.

My Interests

Quality time with my favourite people. In my private quiet time I love learning, reading, painting, sculpturing and paddling my surf-ski.

How I Can Help Other Members

Straight away you can learn about common problematic words. For example, the trouble with using the ‘obviously’ (amongst others) by clicking on my website If you like what you see, register to receive my blog postings to learn more about communication and how it impacts your credibility.

Why I Became a HerBusiness Member

Often, being in one’s own business is a lonely task. So it is great to be a part of a network of people working on achieving the same goal of building their businesses. I have joined ABN to learn from others, to network, to be inspired and hopefully to inspire others in return.