My Connection Statement

I help mums break free from the clutches of stress, fear, and anxiety, to build unshakeable confidence and self-worth.

I do this by providing educational tools and online coaching, that supports a growth mindset for both the mum and her family, so they can feel ALIVE again!


About Me - My Biography


I’m Tammy!

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to check out my profile.

A bit about me…

I live on the beautiful Central Coast in NSW, amongst the National Park, and I am incredibly grateful for this every day. I left the busy city and Corporate life (from the suburbs of Sydney), moving up here in late 2019 and I just LOVE the quietness of our little area.

I am also a mum mum to a cheeky little toddler, who brings so much joy to my life (albeit a million grey hairs!). She is a pocket rocket and doesn’t relax until she is asleep, so to say mumlife is full-on, would be an understatement.

The truth is, I wouldn’t change it for the world, as in such a short amount of time, this little girl has taught me so much about myself that I didn’t know or had suppressed for so many years, to follow the “expected” path that so many of us are conditioned to follow.

A snapshot of life before embarking on the Solopreneur journey…

Perhaps the science get-up in my profile pic gives it away!

Before becoming a Solopreneur in May 2019, I was a trained Scientist, working in a Corporate Executive Leadership role that lead a team of Food Scientists.

I had a HUGE passion for driving culture changes in a business and also coaching and mentoring INCREDIBLE team members to help them grow and develop into highly successful Quality Assurance professionals.

In late 2020, I went off on maternity leave, and like so many of us parents, I had the shock of my life. Mumlife wasn’t what I expected. It was better, yet also a LOT tougher than I could have EVER imagined.

Although I’m the sort of person who doesn’t want to put labels on things or anyone, I did fall within the statistics of 1 in 5 women developing perinatal depression and anxiety, and this soon became the ride of my life, where the simplest of things seemed impossible.

Fast-forward to July 2021, and after much healing and therapy, I returned to my Corporate job. Here comes another surprise. Upon returning to my corporate job, things were definitely NOT what expected, and to avoid legal implications, what I will share is that I only lasted 2hrs and have been off on income protection since for my mental health.

Rock Bottom had me propel forward…

Soon after the experience of returning to my corporate job, I developed shingles of the eye, was bedbound for 12 LONNNG nights, and was separated from my then 10-month-old daughter, at the risk of her developing chickenpox.

This was by far the most difficult time of my life and I’ve had my fair share of bumps along the way, but this rattled me to the core.

Hearing your baby scream out for you and not being able to comfort her was heartbreaking. Yet somehow, in amongst the rubble, by about day 10, something profound happened.

Day 10 had me wake up, overlooking the ocean and I leaped to my feet. the words “Kick fear in the butt” came out.

Out of nowhere, these simple words came out of me and what I envision to be a Global movement where inclusion, equality, and kindness are at the heart of the movement, became a key part of my healing journey.

Honour where you are at…

Being a highly ambitious and passionate person, having to accept that my plans and dreams for this movement were not going to come to life at the speed I was previously used to, was difficult to accept.

Days where I couldn’t leave the house, as my anxiety was too high, had me creating affirmations, quotes, and words of wisdom that would be shared with the world when the timing was right.

2023 will have me stepping out of my comfort zone even more…

2022 had me launch the Kick fear in the butt campaign, where I collaborated with over 80 businesses and coordinated raising awareness and funds for 5 National charities; RUOK?, Bears of hope, Gidget Foundation, Friend in me, and Friends with Dignity.

I was featured across mainstream media several times (which was a HUGE fear) and if that wasn’t confronting enough, I had my entire car wrapped in rainbow colours and affirmations. Yup! You heard it correctly. As a way of holding myself accountable to facing my fears every day AND to inspire meaningful conversations about mental health and confidence, my silver SUV was converted to what so many are calling a rainbow daycare bus bahaha!

“You still haven’t really shared what you do as a solopreneur?”

That was intentional because first and foremost, our unique stories are what drive us to help make this world a better place for us and our children.

Our stories are what connect us and I just LOVE hearing everyone’s story, and look forward to the opportunity to hear yours!

Want to follow my journey? Collaborate with me? Be supported by me?

As a Life Coach, Human Design Specialist, Content Creator, and Motivational Speaker, you can find me @ Mumma Life is now and Kick Fear in the Butt.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me and always remember: You always have been, and always will be ENOUGH!









My Expertise

  • Coaching & mentoring.
  • Building supportive communities.
  • Bringing an element of FUN- I may have been known as the games Queen in the Corporate world!
  • Human Design Specialist.
  • Human Alignment Systems Practioner.
  • Motivational Speaker.
  • Content Creator- watch this space!
  • Seasoned Collaborator.

My Passions

What I stand for:

  • Equality for all, regardless of age, race, gender, and background.
  • Inclusion for all, as we are all little girls and boys inside an adult’s body and we all crave connection.
  • Kindness- Call me a visionary, however, I envision a world where kindness is at the heart of everything we do and every decision we make. Kindness starts with being kind to ourselves, and then to others.
  • Breaking stigmas around mental health, and domestic violence.
  • Empowering our children of today to be fiercely independent, whilst being sensitive to others’ needs and being community focused.


My Interests

  • Creating- crafts, and designing products.
  • Writing- Affirmations, quotes, contemplations, and anything that inspires the reader!
  • Bright colours!
  • Being part of building a community and being an equal member within that community.
  • Storytelling.
  • Nature.
  • Cooking.
  • Tarot cards.
  • Crystals.
  • Creating my own science experiments, where I use state-of-the-art equipment to help bridge the gap between the world of science and mysticism.

How I Can Help Other Members


Sign up for weekly newsletters, where I share exclusive content with my email community and quite often have a video to show the human element behind my brand, AND you will be the first to get access to early bird launches, PLUS you will NEVER miss a beat!

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Get your hands on some EPIC goodies!

Watch this space, because some BIG things are about to land and you do NOT want to miss out! My email community will hear about this first and will get exclusive early-bird access to the offerings… so sign up for my newsletter today!


Why I Became a HerBusiness Member

  • Connect.
  • Connect.
  • Did I already say connect?
  • Collaborate.
  • Inspire one another.
  • Be part of something bigger than my own community.
  • To learn from Suzi and her team about how to run a large online community, in a professional manner, whilst still having FUN!

My Member to Member Offer(s)

Watch this space, as I will have an exclusive offer for HER Business members landing VERY soon!