My Connection Statement

I help people – usually in organisations – to ignite and amplify their voice: to become confident, engaging and influential speakers in every situation, from presentations to conversations.

I do this through my Accelerated Speaking Results System, and Speakers Confluence™  coaching and training programs for individuals and organisations.

About Me - My Biography

I founded Improve Your Public Speaking in 2009 through a desire to help people find and ignite their voice: to speak confidently and amplify their influence and impact.

Originally a classical pianist, I lost my nerve early on in my professional career and nearly had to give it up – learning how to speak in public was my way back on stage.

In the past 12 years I’ve worked with over 4500 clients individually and in organisations on their public speaking, presentation and influencing skills.

My work supports clients to be confident, engaging and influential in every speaking situation:

  • public – presentations, talks or speeches, including events like panel discussions and media appearances
  • personal – running or speaking up in meetings
  • private – 1:1 conversations with colleagues, employees or socially.

I have a 5 step model, Accelerated Speaking Results, which covers the different levels at which we can work (you can choose your levels!):

  1. Confidence
  2. Content
  3. Engagement
  4. Impact
  5. Influence

A lot of this work is now done through my Speakers Confluence™ coaching and training programs. This encompasses both ends of the Accelerated Speaking Results model: starting with confidence and credibility (if needed) and finishing with influence.

I run workshops, training series and coach individuals globally, remotely and in person. I live in Melbourne, but travel all over Australia, and enjoy running workshops regionally in smaller centres too.

A broad range of industries and company sizes that I’ve worked with includes Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Australia Post, the Victorian Government and Monash University, down to NFPs, small business owners and entrepreneurs.

My Expertise

I’ve immersed myself in my business since 2009, and work full-time with clients on their speaking, presentation and communication skills. Full-time practical coaching and training.

I love research and learning in different fields, as I believe this adds a diverse knowledge-set and transferable tools to my clients.

I was a professional pianist from my 20’s to early 40’s, and understand what’s needed to step up and perform at your best, no matter what’s happening externally or internally!

I’ve worked in a broad range of industries and organisation sizes. Clients frequently have backgrounds in tech, healthcare, science, engineering, education, finance and law.

I’ve run a public 5 week course Complete Presentation Skills Course in Melbourne for 11 years now, which helps participants to become confident and engaging when they speak.

I have 75 recommendations on LinkedIn, and frequently post content on that platform. Please connect with me if you’d like to: the link is at the top of my profile.


My Passions

My partner and my work. Yoga, strength training and tea! Reading (novels and business books). Learning, kindness and possibility.

My Interests

I’m a life-long learner, and curious about a lot of topics! As a professional pianist originally, I love music: Bach, Brahms, Ravel, Poulenc are all favourite composers both to listen to and to play.

Personal development and tools

I love being introduced to new books and ideas. My book-group is great for that!

Food, tea and gin – though not all at the same time :)

How I Can Help Other Members

I’m happy to offer ‘light’ suggestions or advice about a public speaking, presentation or influencing goal or challenge you have.

In general: if you need confidence, I have a deep understanding and expertise in this (I’ve been there myself too), and offer a gentle and encouraging approach – while still being straightforward and clear.

And if you’re already confident and accomplished, my advanced programs will help you to refine and polish your skills, for situations like keynotes or presidential addresses at conferences, or high-pressure speaking events when you have to get it right. I’ve worked at C-suite level with executives, medical professionals and business owners on these skills.

And I offer a free Discovery Conversation if you’d like to see how we might work together. I offer a range of packages and options, and there’s a lot of content – over 12 years-worth – of blog posts on my website.

Why I Became a HerBusiness Member

I was looking to join a group of enterprising, strong, interesting and helpful women, and HerBusiness was recommended to me by a friend who’s in the network.

I enjoy the energy and support available in a group – and 2020 has taught me the importance of that even more!