My Connection Statement

I help women who have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and are sick of being constrained by her condition.  I help them get the confidence to leave home and go places without having to worry about where the nearest toilet is.  I do this with 1:1 consulting either in person or online.

About Me - My Biography

Paula is a nutritionist specialising in enabling women with Irritable Bowel Syndrome to get their life back.  Over the last 10 years in business, Paula has fine tuned her methods to not only provide relief to the gut but also to overcome the anxiety associated with IBS.

Paula completed her degree in Nutritional Medicine at the Australian College of Natural Medicine.  She is a country girl at heart and loves animals.

My Expertise

Gut health nutrition.

Degree qualified holistic nutritionist.

Member of Australian Traditional Medicine Society ensuring qualifications, professional insurances and continued education.

My Passions

Love food – cooking, eating, exploring.  I always do a food tour when I go away.

Animals are my mental escape.  My dogs create the environment where I can feel totally confortable.


My Interests

Self development is important.  Always on the lookout for people who speak the truth and live according to their values without compromise.

How I Can Help Other Members

I have more than 10 years in business. Done plenty wrong and learn from experience.  I can help others especially in the health industry.

Why I Became a HerBusiness Member

To network, keep myself inspired to work on my business and learn from other people.

My Member to Member Offer(s)

Free 30 minutes chat about what is going on with your gut.