My Connection Statement

I help self-conscious women in business feel confident on video through my online course,  coaching and mentoring programs

About Me - My Biography

Trishi is the owner of Saffron Learning and is changing lives through learning.  With over 10 years of experience as an instructional designer and educator in the airline industry, she has designed, created, and presented her share of courses and training programs within the corporate landscape.

And she has taken that passion for learning and combined it with her vibrant, high energy and naturally engaging personality and shifted into empowering women in business.

‘My mission is to help women in business share their genius and magic on video and change the world in their unique way’.

We do this by helping them to make sense and matter to their clients and customers, or as we like to call them ‘their audience’

Our ‘Audience-First’ approach means we do things a little bit differently because your audience is our priority.

What that means for you is, we will work with you to understand your business, your purpose, and your audience to create a content framework so you know exactly what you need to put into your video so that you connect authentically with your audience and change their lives.

We help you with your communication skills and presentation skills you need to connect and relate authentically with your audience so you can be comfortable and confident on video.

We take the time to understand exactly where you are on your journey.. meet you where you are at… take you by the hand… and take you where you want to go






My Expertise

Presentation Skills, Communication Skills, Video Confidence, Confidence on Camera, Course Creation, Instructional Design, Content Strategy, Visual Models, Keynote Speaking, Videos for Business

How I Can Help Other Members

If you feel awkward and self-conscious on video I invite you to consider my 8 Week Fearless and Fabulous on Video Challenge

If you are confident to get on video, but feel that you don’t really know what to say or you feel like you are talking around and around in circles, I invite you to consider my on-on-one coaching program The Polished Presenter

Why I Became a HerBusiness Member

I wanted to offer support to and be supported by phenomenal and accomplished women in business.

Women who understand the balancing act between having friends who like you .. but don’t really get what you do and other women in business; who may not know you as well.. but absolutely understand your journey.

I am here to empower and to be empowered.