About Me - My Biography

First and foremost I am a mum of 2 crazy kids. While home with my kids I’ve  run my own businesses from home for over 15 years and have been a consultant nationally and internationally to homes of all sizes for the past 20 years. My work as a textiles and colour expert, and interior planning consultant has led me to help home owners create more organised, comfortable and inviting spaces again. This experience led me to creating a membership and later a mobile application for memberships… all because I wanted 1 easy simple platform to help me and my members.

Gratefully, my efforts from running a linen business to a membership has led me to grow personally and begin helping other businesses with my tools.

I have a passion for colour and textiles first and foremost, then Im an entrepreneur second and that means looking for ways to make business easier for me, and so these days Im creating tools to help other businesses like mine. We all need a hand, whether it be my store customers looking for that special cushion, or my clients wanting a real connected home envirornent or my peers who own businesses looking for easier and affordable ways to run their businesses. My aim in life is to support others no matter who they are.

So who is Nikki?  I’m a mum at heart, and a protective one at that. I have passions, I have loves and I have weaknesses, and all of these are what makes me the business woman I am today; Confident, playful and directive.

We all have a why for what we do and my why is as a mum – my family, as an individual – proof. Both of these are needs to me, not just desires. I must be successful for my self to prove that any one can be successful with $1, a heart of gold and a mind of steel… or that “stubborn” gene that runs in my family.

So if you’re reading this, thank you for taking the time to read my profile and know that being part the HerBusiness family really will make you feel like you’re in a family.

So here (with my years of experience ), I experience this journey with Her Business and all the lovely members to build and grow my businesses and my personal being.

Can’t wait to see what happens next.

