Natalie Ashdown
The Open Door Coaching Group
- Director
About Me - My Biography
Natalie Ashdown is an experienced coach whose passion and commitment assists and supports individuals, teams and companies to achieve the amazing results that come from within the person and team. Natalie currently coaches executives, senior management and teams from Australia’s leading corporations, along with private business clients.
Natalie holds a Bachelor of Business in Marketing from RMIT and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from The University of Melbourne (2001). She holds the Diploma of Workplace and Business Coaching, Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training, Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Master Coaching and Master of Ericksonian Hypnosis, thus qualifying her as a fully accredited Master Coach and Trainer.
Natalie is Co-President of the International Coach Federation (ICF) for Victoria, has held the role of Co-Chair Professional Development and Events and is one of only twenty professional coaches in Australia to holds the status of Professional Certified Coach (PCC).
Natalie is also an experienced and creative writer and has developed and written the workbooks and leadership programs used by Open Door and our clients, including course documentation for the Certificate IV and Diploma of Workplace and Business Coaching. Natalie is the Director of the Open Door Coaching Group Registered Training Organisation.