Nancy Youssef

Optimum Operating Procedures and Services Pty Ltd
Business Services
About Me - My Biography
Michelle lives and breathes her passion for customer service, mystery shopping, and team motivation. She is an experienced businesswomen and a “retention” specialist in every aspect of service operations and processes and their impact on the customer experience.
In 1994 she founded one of Australia’s most respected training companies, Optimum Operating Procedures and Services Pty Ltd (OOPS). Now a thriving provider of mystery shopping, service benchmarking, surveys and focus groups, competitor audits, staff training and leadership development. Michelle has applied the very tips and techniques that she presents on in achieving her own business success.
As an international Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), an accredited trainer and assessor, Michelle combines her extensive experience and specialised knowledge with an absolute commitment to igniting the potential in each and every individual so they can achieve outstanding results. Her program participants – from across the registered club industry, hospitality, manufacturing, real estate, automotive, self storage, Government and professional services sectors – walk away from her presentations feeling inspired, educated and equipped to deliver outstanding service experiences.
Employing over 60 staff, working with multimillion dollar clients and coaching and mentoring the leaders of tomorrow as well as SME Entrepreneurs, Michelle believes in seeing and igniting the potential in everyone.
Her key focus and passion pertains to service delivery and expectations of the 21st century customer, through mapping the journey of today’s customer, and believes that no matter what industry, service is the key point of difference in creating the essential human connection. The emergence of the Extreme Customer, who is connected, competitive and optimistic, and relentless in his/her pursuit of value, is driving the changes in how businesses (even large corporates) deliver their product or service.
With over two decades of measuring and analysing her clients and their competitors, Michelle’s presentations are content rich with real case studies delivered with passion and authenticity – walk away from her presentations feeling inspired, educated and equipped to deliver outstanding service experiences!
My Expertise
After decades in the field of Customer Service research, I know a great deal about the 21st century customer and their expectations, and have a passion for making sure that businesses like yours can exceed those expectations and become outstanding.
I don’t see improving customer service, performance or bottom lines as the only goals you and I would reach for together. I invite you and your entire organisation into a process of creating a business that values people and their experiences from the ground up. The engagement of your team and customers matters if you want impressive results.
If we can work together to get your people motivated, skilled and self-aware your business will flourish. I have worked with hundreds of clients and as soon as an organisation is cohesive and has that kind of culture, excellence and success emerge.
Customers love the attention to their experience and the feeling that comes from dealing with a business like that. They come back and more importantly tell others.
I am privileged to now have National and International recognition as a leading edge presenter and “authority” on customer service. In speaking, coaching and training I am dedicated to fostering stand out customer service, realising the latent potential of staff, and overcoming the sales “nerve barrier.”
My Passions
Igniting the Potential of individuals whether they are the business owner, a new recruit or a seasoned professional, seeing them work towards their goals, find new opportunities and work in an environment that is congruent with their values is a deep passion as I believe everyone has a “choice” to choose the life they want not the life they are told they have to have.
My Interests
Growing opportunities for women in the workplace through career mentoring to achieve their goals. Over the past two decades my client focus has been the Hospitality Industry where management is only sprinkled with women.
How I Can Help Other Members
I have a wonderful team who manage the operations of my company (OOPS) allowing me to pursue my passions as a Speaker, Author (The VIP Principle – Discover How Guest Experiences Drive Long Term Growth) and Career Mentor.
As a member please contact me to see how our services and programs may assist your own personal development and increase your business growth and revenue.
Career Mentoring
If you are planning an event and looking for a speaker! Book me to kick-start organisational change, immediately improve morale and shared vision of the “Customer Experience”.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
I originally joined ABN when Suzi first launched the network many years ago and am so pleased to return as a Premium Member with Her Business. I have met and made some wonderful friends through Her Business and look forward to reconnecting and making new connections and friends.
When I established my business in 1994 there were very few dedicated women networking groups to provide support, share the challenges and build upon the opportunities as our businesses grew. Suzi and her team are dedicated and have never “veered” off their commitment in developing women in business.
As a well established business owner not only do I want to give back and assist other women as they commence their journey but also to learn from them. In business you never stop learning.
My Member to Member Offer(s)
As a Her Business member I would like to offer a discount of 10% on all of our services that are tailored for your specific needs.