Meredith Plowman
About Me - My Biography
Hello Everyone!
I’m Meredith Plowman from Paradiso Healtharium.
I help people de-stress from the inside out with
Facial Harmony & RAW Energy Balances.
RAW Balances are my go-to help for immediate relief from stress.
I do RAW Energy Balances that help you re-boot, and feel clearer and lighter, with more Personal Power. In a Balance your Mind, Body and Soul get to be heard…..
But wait there’s more……your Emotional Being, Perception and Higher Self get to be heard…..
But wait, there’s still more……your Ego, Inner Child and Genetic Energies get to be heard….
And you also get (not a free set of steak knives as you might expect, but something better) your Spiritual Being, Subconscious and your God Within get to be heard…..
That’s right, all 12 Parts of Your Being (that’s all of you) get to be acknowledged and listened to in every RAW Energy Balance you have, and every Balance you have increases your Personal Power.
I personally couldn’t have gotten this far in life without RAW Balances, and I’m eternally grateful for the positive impact they’ve had in my life, and so I love helping other people with compassion, doing a Balance with them, particularly when they are stressed and in need.
I’ve found RAW Balances extremely effective because stress is not always held in our Being as a whole, sometimes it’s only held in some of the Parts of the Being, which is why we can cope with problems and carry on, but still be experiencing unhelpful patterns, which would make our lives better if we addressed them in a quick and comprehensive way.
RAW Balances are fascinating because they’re all about You!! They reveal exactly how, why and where you are holding stress patterns and access “buried treasure” in your Being’s archives, to help us know what energies to clear to leave you lighter with more Personal Power.
If you’re thinking “Energy Balances….yerrrr riiiight!??! This person is a bit koo koo”, then you’re not my ideal client : )
But if there’s a small part of you that gives a little lurch in my direction, then that’s an indication, there is indeed a Part of Your Being that wants to feel clearer and more empowered and to grow, so keep me in mind next time you have a stress or issue you’d like to deal with, to get more clarity, peace and empowerment. I recommend 3 Balances to get the hang of them, so you can find out for yourself what they can do for you first hand. On your first Balance I take you through each step of the process so that you understand how they work.
If you’re a person who enjoys personal development and personal evolution then you’re bound to love RAW Balances and the enormous scope of what you can work on. Again, I recommend you have 3 initial Balances to be able to fully embrace RAW so that you can have access to RAW Balances in your Tool Kit of Life Maintenance, just like my beloved regular clients have done for the past 18 years.
If I’ve sparked your interest in RAW Balances you can scroll down further for more information…..
….but let’s not forget about Facial Harmony!
No one likes the look of stress on their own face, particularly when it ages you.
Facial Harmony is the instant natural Facelift with no down-time!
Facial Harmony lets you look your radiant best, wiping the stress and years away, ever so gently.
Facial Harmony is blissfully relaxing, and I’ve had comments from clients that they think it’s more relaxing than getting a body massage. Facial Harmony is perfect for calming a stressed nervous system.
Facial Harmony is a gentle specialized massage technique performed on the meridians of your face and head, and the muscles of your face.
On your first treatment, I do the technique on half your face, and then let you take a look in the mirror to compare the treated side of your face with the untreated side, so that you can notice the changes to your appearance taking place.
It is typical (and I have been doing Facial Harmony for 18 years) that your eyes will open and relax, your skin will plump up and look more youthful and radiant, and your jawline and cheeks will lift, and this is all achieved without oils or creams. Facial Harmony, uses no products and is so gentle it doesn’t even disturb make-up, so you can carry on with your days activities after your treatment without having to reapply.
Facial Harmony is also perfect for sensitive or allergic skin, and does not stir up the skin causing breakouts, making it the perfect spruce up before a special occasion.
Facial Harmony is a lovely gift to yourself or others at Birthday time, Mother’s Day, or as a Thank You, but it’s real benefit is as a regular treatment to manage stress levels, and for natural anti-ageing. My ideal client is a woman who doesn’t want work and life stress being reflected in her appearance.
A little more on RAW…..
What’s so good about RAW Balances?………..well, because all 12 Parts of the Being are accessed individually, and collectively as one for every Balance, we get to navigate and pinpoint exactly where you are being affected by stress in your energy system. This also means that as we navigate your energy systems we are able to do it in a precise and orderly manner. For example, your energies might need us to access your Emotional Being, but to gain access easily we might have to go via your Subconscious and your Soul first. RAW allows us to do this.
The basis of RAW (Rekindled Ancient Wisdom) are the 12 Parts of the Being-
Emotional Being, Dimensional Realities (perception), Spiritual Being, Higher Self, Mental Being, Inner Child, Physical Being, Parent Gene, Subconscious, Ego, Soul and God Within.
Our lives run smoothest when all 12 Parts of the Being are in alignment and all pursuing the same goal, growth or evolution together as a whole.
Every Balance is unique and complex and is tailored to your individual energy system in a structured way, and this is done using muscle testing (a technique originating from Kinesiology) to find out the necessary information needed to allow the energy of consciousness to shift and allow energy transformation to occur.
By using muscle testing we are able to find out information using a binary method ie yes/no answers which actually can allow us to gain access to complex information about your energy system.
Why does strange and seemingly random information get revealed during a Balance?
Well, that’s because we always ask to clear and re-balance your energies from “The Highest Priority for Highest Good” for your issues. This allows the most relevant information to be accessed to efficiently clear your issues allowing for stability in your energy system. So sometimes this is like your energies saying “I can’t possibly make a cheese souffle until I’ve checked my E-mails and had a shower” So we access all information in the way that makes sense to your energies. Always working with HP for HG means that your energies feel stable and supported throughout the balancing process.
What exactly is Personal Power?
Personal Power is that great feeling of peace and stability within yourself which mostly everyone can access when they’re having a great day, but to have that same feeling when you’re experiencing a crisis is a real blessing. Increasing your Personal Power allows you to navigate stress more easily.
Technically speaking, Personal Power is the innate ability to respond instead of reacting. Many of our reactions are involuntary due to storage of past experience information stored in the Ancient brain. The corrections that conclude a Balance calm this part of the brain, allowing for the information to be present without the reaction, allowing us to respond. The more we can respond in life, rather than react, the more Personal Power we feel.
Why are RAW Balances so efficient at dealing with deep stress?
So the saying goes, “there are many ways to skin a cat”. The best way is the most efficient, and with RAW there are over 60 different Balances that your energies can choose in order to get to the bottom of the issues as quickly as possible.
Just naming a few, we have the Overcoming Fear Balance, Personal Power Balance, Organs Balance, Physical Body Balance, Parts of the Being Balance, The Manifestation Balance, Sabotage Balance, Stored Memories Balance, The Love Balance, Draining Energies Balance, and many, many more!
This is the work of RAW(Rekindled Ancient Wisdom) founders Pam Myers and Sally Worth, two Australian women who are committed to devising remarkable, efficient, effective processes to clear unhelpful energies safely, while leaving the good stuff in place to flourish. Hats off to you ladies!!
What sort of Issues can I work on?
Because we access the 12 Parts of the Being, we can do a Balance on the issues addressing any aspect of our life experience.
For instance, we could do a Balance on the issues of your sore right knee….fear reactions in relationships…..concentrating on work more easily……grief around my parents death……valuing myself more so that I’m valued by others more…..or all of these things at once, because all of these issues might be what you are experiencing in your life, ie what your energy system is having to cope with.
We can work on narrowed down issues or broad issues, for instance, we could do a Balance on fear of men wearing green hats (specific)……….fear of men (larger collective energy)……fear of the masculine energy (encompassing day-to-day experience, plus universal energies and global issues)………..what we can work on is open and versatile.
Last week I did balances on the following for people….
fear of anticipation of a coronary bypass surgery….pain and anxiety following eyelid surgery for skin cancer……stress and grief around a child’s hospitalization…….work and college stress for a woman returning from maternity leave…….the unclear breakup of a long term relationship and increasing Personal Power around being undermined and manipulated…..and for myself, I did a Balance around recognizing myself as important so that the universe can match this with considering me important also…..I hope this gives you a good idea of what you can balance without me having to compromise other people’s privacy too much. Just know that you can balance anything you like, and that I will be happy to assist you.
Lastly, thanks very much for anyone who as read down to here! RAW is not widely known about, and so I appreciate you learning more about it, and hopefully trying it and spreading the word!