Marina Pitisano
Letz Create Your Career
- Director
Human Resources
About Me - My Biography
I am a passionate Career Coach who partners with individuals in the explore and search phase of their career journey, helping them realise their strengths through career coaching and training programs. I enjoy showing people the path to greater career satisfaction and providing insight and tools to help them make their next career move.
My Expertise
I have over 20 years experience in Human Resources and with my expertise gained from working in Manufacturing, Banking and Finance, Arts and Government strengthens my ability to coach across a wide and diverse range of areas to assist individuals in career transition.
Marina’s main areas of career coaching are:
· Setting goals, getting into action and dealing with obstacles
· Creating insight and leveraging strengths to enhance career opportunities
· Learning how to manage change in career
· CV and cover letter preparation
· Standing out in interviews
· Networking with results
· Help navigate from career to business
My Passions
I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals through building confidence, belief and providing insight to the amazing people they really are!
My Interests
I love being with family and friends to enjoy what life has to offer!
Travelling and experiencing other cultures, food and sights.
How I Can Help Other Members
I can help other members by being a sounding board for their concerns and provide insights to achieve better outcomes for themselves and their business.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
I became a Herbusiness member so that I could part of a like minded community where I could learn, be inspired, motivated and help others!
My Member to Member Offer(s)
I can provide members the opportunity to explore their challenges and create an action plan for implementation.