Lynne Bell

Healthy Rhythms
About Me - My Biography
I am Managing Director of Healthy Rhythms, Specialist Massage Studio. I run a clinic that specialises only in massage therapy in regional Queensland. I have been in business for myself for 8 years and have recently changed my business structure and rebranded to create a modern and inviting business presence in my local community.
My Expertise
I come from an administrative/middle management background and have been attracted to working in positions that are process/policy oriented and extremely busy. My experience is 10 years in University environments, 4 years with Queensland Ambulance Service and the last 8 years as a small business owner. I’ve been through small business planning, creation, expanding, buying out business partner, education and support of other people getting into our industry and now reviewing, rebranding and moving forward. We are living in exciting times with great possibilities and I’m using all of the knowledge I have to build the best business model that will be repeatable over the next few years. I’m not afraid to seek assistance when I need it and I surround myself with people whose strengths balance my weaknesses.
My Passions
I am passionate about my family, friends, husband and children. They are the whole and sole reason I do what I do. A close second is providing the best possible healthcare in an environment where people and wanting to get more ‘bang for their buck’ and they want positive outcomes for issues they are experiencing. I am also passionate about sustainability and training within our industry. I provide assistance and support to students as they go through their educational journey. Some people (namely my husband!!) believe that this is training people to set up in business against you, but I don’t agree. My belief is that it is ensuring that the next generation of people coming into our industry do so with the understanding that it’s ok to network locally, it’s ok to work by yourself but it’s also ok to work with other people. By fostering this mentality in our industry we are gradually changing the attitude of ‘being in it for yourself’ so we foster each other’s strengths which only serves to better help our clients.
My Interests
My kids and family – that goes without saying :-) Education and knowledge – I am always researching and how to do things more effectively both from a business and industry perspective. Self-education is an important part of this. Reading – taking time out from the whir and pressure of business by reading novels. Meditation – my medication for stress relief.
How I Can Help Other Members
I have been through a lot of changes as a small business owner. I strive to stay one step ahead of the rest and ensure my business does not stagnate. Not only do I work in my business, but work on it as well. Part of my business success has been due to branding it correctly. People remember consistent messages and branding should be the most important consideration in a business.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
I joined the ABN because I am a small business owner who doesn’t have all the answers. I find it hard to keep up with changes in technology and how these can be applied to my small business. I want knowledge about what other people are doing and how they are coping with juggling business, study and family. I guess at the end of the day, I want to know that I am not alone in the struggles and joys I face as a business owner.