Kay Shelton
About Me - My Biography
About Me
Kay is a Mandala Visionary and Quantum Activator. This simply means she is a Mandala Artist and Energy Healer not limited by distance. Kay’s work persona -Kay’s Mandala Kreations – has unfolded from nearly 30 years as an artist and a life time of interest and study into the spiritual and quantum realm. Many years of working with Reiki and Pranic Healing and studies into the Spirale Colour System and Tarot, Channelling, Cosmic Abundance and the Tree of Life to name a few modalities has led to the development of this extremely unique art form to provide a service for focused women with limitless potential.
My Expertise
She has the gift of being able to channel a personal Mandala Art work with a verbal reading in real time. The art work is based on Sacred Geometry. Each art work is as individual as each persons heart energy. The colour and design dynamics of the Mandala mirrors back to the recipient their heart vibration and desires for them. By viewing the mandala regularly it activates on the conscious and subconscious level their movement forward in self alignment. The exquisiteness of this live session is the mesmerizing and relaxing experience it can be.
My Passion
Kay has a passion for supporting women to reach their greatest potential by being in alignment with their Heart’s desires. She does this by connecting into their energy field whether face to face in person or via Skype or Zoom no matter where they are in the world.
The Process
During the hour session you receive an Energy Healing first to clear your auric field so that she is only reading your energy and not that of all the people you have been interacting with pre-session. Your personal Mandala Artwork is created as you view the process. You are at liberty to ask any questions during the process whilst the psychic channel is open for you. You then receive your personal artwork digitally and via post and if the session was conducted via Zoom-an MP4 recording so that you can review the whole process as many times as you desire to gain the most from the messages and clarity coming through for you.