Karin Van der Valk

Bliss-filled Mind
- Founder
Coaching & Mentoring
My Connection Statement
I walk with busy professionals who crave peace and space in their mind, as opposed to overwhelm and stress.
Through Bliss-filled Mind I offer mindfulness workshops, resources and courses (both online and in person) for them to find the tools to enjoy purpose, happiness and calm in their life.
About Me - My Biography
As I worked, for several years, as a school wellbeing officer, counselling students and teaching mindfulness in the classroom, I witnessed the great impact mindfulness tools had on the young people’s wellbeing, their resilience and emotional IQ. When parents and teachers were so impacted by the change in their children I also started teaching the adults.
In 2020 I took my mindfulness coaching more and more on-line as face-to-face workshops were becoming impossible. Again I was excited to see the real and permanent shifts in participant’s wellbeing as they discovered new practises that they embedded in their lives, even via Zoom gatherings.
Currently I am in process of crafting a high-ticket online course for busy and stressed professionals as well as facilitating on-line workshops. With the lifting on gathering restrictions in 2022 I am also excited to again be hosting mindfulness workshops in my local community!
I have personally gained so much peace and space in my life with mindfulness. Over the past couple of years of constant pivoting and change my mindfulness practises are the glue that has held my sanity together at times!
I fully believe these practises are for everyone – as the tools can be as varied as humans are unique – and I am passionate about walking with others for them to also see calm, purpose and bliss to come into their lives.
My Expertise
I have a background of 20+ years as a counsellor and spiritual life coach supporting individuals and groups in their wellbeing.
For several years I also taught mindfulness and emotional resilience to children, in the classroom in the public school system, and to their parents and teachers. Seeing great impact in, not only the young people’s lives but also in that of their teachers and parents, led me in 2020 to commence my mindfulness business, Bliss-filled Mind.
Over the past few years my practise has shifted to coaching mindfulness and positive mindset tools, both on-line and in person, to individuals and to groups – including corporate events.
Tailor made mindfulness workshops are available for business and groups of any size to bring greater calm, focus, improved relationships and increased productivity and purpose. Mindfulness really has been proven to do all of that!
For more details, and to read a bit about the proof and science behind the positive effects of mindfulness, go to https://www.blissfilledmind.com/corporate-mindfulness
My Passions
My hubby + 2 (just!) adult boys + walking our 2 Amstaff pooches in the bush + a long walk along our local beach and a glass of Shiraz on our deck with friends are definitely a few of my favourite things.
Plus, for as long as I can remember I have loved walking alongside people to see them become who they were born to be, no matter the language or culture. That’s what gets me up in the morning! (Oh, and the dogs wanting their walk!)
My Interests
Walking our dogs through the bush or along the beach. Hanging out with my hubby especially on a motor-bike ride. A good red wine. Reading. Gardening. Bush walking. Movie nights. Experiencing other cultures. Spiritual awareness. Learning. Meditation. Yoga. The beach. Yep, the beach with a Shiraz & my hubby = perfect!
How I Can Help Other Members
If you personally need to find calm, space and more joy in your life then check out …
- Regular mindset-boosts on social media – follow me on FaceBook & Instagram
- Subscription to a weekly newsletter with tips and suggestions for increased spiritual wellbeing and mindfulness >>https://www.blissfilledmind.com/page/154516
- Mindfulness and spiritual life blogs to follow
- A free call to discuss how I might serve members personally & professionally
- Business mindfulness workshops for your business at a reduced cost
- And $20 discounted client sessions for any client referrals.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
To connect with and support women on this business journey. Also to learn and gain greater wisdom in my personal business development so that my business can be successful in reaching and serving more people and businesses.
My Member to Member Offer(s)
Discounted coaching sessions and deals across my business.
Free guided meditations in the making – watch this space!
Currently writing my first course & would love to offer a certain number of those for free to Her Business members! Keep an eye out for – The Power of Pause – from Chaos to Calm!