Jackie O'Dowd
Realising-Potential Pty Ltd
About Me - My Biography
Chief Executive Officer of Realising-Potential, Jackie is resolute in helping organisations to realise their potential. With extensive experience across industries such as Petroleum, Port Services, Manufacturing, Civil & Mining, Employment Services, Oil & Gas and Professional Services, she has assisted Executive teams to improve performance and capability by ensuring that the right enablers are in place – enablers such as Technology, Process, People and Information. A fervent believer in possibility she likes working with world class organisations and those that want to be.
Jackie was instrumental in the development of the Realising Success Strategic Performance Framework, which is a proven, repeatable framework for getting an organisation from where it is to where it needs to be.
She is co-author of Connecting THE DOTS The Blueprint for Strategically Aligned Business Performance Improvement.
Jackie has a Master of Leadership and Management degree and is a Certified Professional (Snr) of the Australian Computer Society.
My Expertise
I help business owners and senior executives to align technology, process, people and information to achieve their outcomes and to deliver performance. To do this we use Realising Success (a comprehensive businesses improvement methodology) formulated from decades of real world experience. Businesses can now adopt a DIY approach with external on-demand support from our expert team.
My Passions
The thing that gets me out of bed every day is the challenge and excitement of helping business owners and executive teams deliver strategically aligned performance, whether that is through direct consulting services or the Realising Success framework.
I am an avid reader and podcast consumer, regularly listening to Alan Weiss, Alec Baldwins – Here’s the Thing and HerBusiness Content Sells with Suzi and Michelle among others.
Champagne and red wine whilst not an absolute passion come close, as long as they are shared with family and friends.
My Interests
I love to consume large volumes of disparate content and material as this satisfies my need to learn and challenge. This helps me to translate complex subjects and break this down into readily consumable bite sized pieces.
I am enjoying the content sells master class as it is helping me to not only consume but create our own blogs, podcasts and other content. I can think about all of these things while I am walking with the dog.
I endeavour to make the most of every day.
How I Can Help Other Members
We are happy to share the lessons learned from our journey so far.
We bring not only our own experience, but the experiences of our clients.
We bring a external and reflective approach to problem solving and discussion.
We have a commercial outcomes focus.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
I initially joined to access webinars and content, but then found HerBusiness offered so much more. It sounds trite to say its a community, but it really is a great supportive environment. From my initial membership I upgraded to a premium member and joined the content sells masterclass. Through the masterclass I have met a group of extraordinary people that are great fun, are both challenging and supportive.
As a business we subscribe to a number of industry associations. HerBusiness delivers the most value and Suzi is inspirational.
My Member to Member Offer(s)
Discount offers on books and content.