Fred Grosse
Business Psychotherapist, Corporate Consultant, Personal Coach, Mentor and Trainer
About Me - My Biography
Dr Fred is a business psychotherapist, corporate consultant and systems designer, personal coach, mentor and trainer, now in his 25th year of sharing his business techniques.
Dr Fred Grosse earned his undergraduate degree at Union College in New York and his doctorate in clinical psychology from International College in Los Angeles. Following intensive psychotherapy training, Dr Fred Grosse founded the Gestalt Growth Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Having worked with thousands of Business Executives, Managers and Sales People, he established the Institute for Management, Organisation and Motivation. From his vast experience in working with the human mind, Dr Fred Grosse coaches business people on how to double and triple their incomes in less time.
For more information about Dr Fred and his work or to order a copy of his book Black Belt of the Mind, please visit his website at: www.drfredgrosse.com, call +64 3 341 5690 or email: inst4mom@drfredgrosse.com.