Emma Pope
Wooden Wonderland
- Managing Director
Toys & Games
About Me - My Biography
I help parents of young children who are struggling to find high quality, long lasting toys for their children by providing an online retail outlet which exclusively stocks one of the largest ranges of wooden toys available anywhere in Australia.
The ultimate goal is that parents are able to source unique, safe, long lasting and sustainable toys for their children to enjoy and hopefully then pass onto their own children one day as well.
The business is Wooden Wonderland, which I purchased in 2014 as a very lean start-up and stripped it back to the bare bones and re-built it to make it the business it is today. We now stock close to 1000 SKUs covering wooden toys, games, furniture, ride ons, puzzles, educational products and more.
In my past life I was an OHS Manager in the mining and oil and gas industries but these days my enjoyment comes from the more colourful parts of my life… even adults can be filled with great joy by “playing” with wooden toys during the work day :)
My Expertise
– Small business management
– Retailing online
– Social media management
– Occupational health and safety
– Toy safety and compliance
My Passions
I am passionate about being independent and not feeling like I HAVE to do anything in life. If I do something I want it to be my choice never by force or obligation so I am committed to ensuring that I do all I can to keep the control over my independence in my court.
My Interests
I love:
– Travel (cocktails overlooking the ocean being a popular choice)
– Delicious food (Greek is always a winner, or anything chocolate)
– Swimming (beach, pool, creek, anywhere)
– Watermelon (the best fruit that ever evolved)
– Anything orange (I’ve never wavered from the favourite colour I chose as a 2 year old)
– Oh… and I love my husband and family too of course!
How I Can Help Other Members
If you need a unique and long lasting gift for a 0-6 year old, I can definitely help you out!
Otherwise, I am always available as a sounding board for any OHS issues. I miss my days as a “safety geek” and I am always keen for a safety chat if anyone is up for it for is just after some friendly advice.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
To network, to talk and to engage with other like minded women in business.
My Member to Member Offer(s)
10% off all purchases over $50 with the coupon code HerBus at www.woodenwonderland.com.au