Dr Yvette Blount
Australia Anywhere Working Research Network, Macquarie University
- Research Coordinator
About Me - My Biography
Dr Yvette Blount joined Macquarie University in 2005. Prior to her academic career, Yvette worked in senior and consulting roles in the banking and IT industries.Yvette’s areas of expertise include how telework provides organisations with sustainable competitive advantage by enhancing service quality and the implications for employee management when implementing new technologies in the service sector. Her research program utilises multidisciplinary approaches to investigate how information systems are utilised by organisations to achieve their business objectives.Yvette is the research coordinator for the Australia Anywhere Working Research Network.Yvette teaches information systems for management at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. These courses provide students with an understanding of the implications and impacts of the digital economy and the role technology plays both inside and outside the organisation in the context of globalisation.