Caitlin Budge

Clarified Solutions Consultants Pty Ltd
- Founder and CEO
My Connection Statement
Clarified Solutions specialise in scaling businesses by connecting their ‘WHAT’ and ‘HOW’ with their ‘WHY’. We assist our Australian clients to exponentially scale their business by creating valuable strategic communications and accessing high dollar value government grants. Delivered via tailored online 1-1 consultations.
About Me - My Biography
Caitlin Budge – Founder and CEO – Clarified Solutions
Bachelor Arts, Masters Arts Management (1st class honours)
I have always delighted in words and the power of narrative. From the age of 7, I was reading a book every 2 weeks on average and loving the process of discovery.
Fast forward many years and I have lived in both the UK and Australia, completed two university degrees and gained 12 years of industry experience. I have channelled this passion for the written word and crafted my career. Thus Clarified Solutions came to be! We offer strategic business advice, create compelling copy and collaborate with client’s to win grants which launch them into the next phase of their evolution.
My Expertise
I have a varied background in professional experience prior to beginning my business. This includes working across Educational Resources, Recruitment, Retail and Sales and the Arts industries. My passion for drawing together multiple knowledge bases offer me a unique perspective to creating tailored solutions for our clients.
– My area of expertise is State and Federal government grants from $300,000 – $1.5M
– I collaborate with businesses and industry partners who are committed to an application process which can take between 5 weeks – 7 months to complete (depending on approvals of submissions).
– As grants are almost always project specific, I assist businesses to win significant sums of money to realise projects which require on average between 12months -2.5 years to complete.
– Focused on key strategic documents, I can advise on and create Content Assets Roadmaps which clearly address the assets (or content) required for the project scope.
– Examples include:
1. Assistance with communication to a variety of stakeholders (suppliers, customers, clients, industry peers and broader market) for major shifts within the business – ie.M&A’s.
2. Guidance on Business Plan language and key messaging.
3. Large scale website reviews.
4. Education for existing content writers within the business on best practice.
My Passions
I believe we all have a vast array of skills which are more innate and those which we can cultivate. Over many years I have come to appreciate some off these passions/skills of mine.
My native skills include: – An interest in learning and reading. – Using the written word to connect people with ideas. – Connecting complex webs of details. – Deeply listen to understand people. – Focusing for extended periods of time without tiring.
How I Can Help Other Members
The ethos which underpins my business and approach to work is to bring the highest value to my clients. How this is achieved can vary. One avenue is for me to elevate people in my network through referrals to my clients and business network. I would be delighted to get to know my fellow HerBusiness members to see if there is an opportunity to collaborate, refer work or spark inspiration for business growth.
My client base is national and network is international and national so it would be fantastic to connect you to people who are on a similar path to you.
I have also had the privilege of gaining certain business skills – for which I am still adding more tools to the kit!
I have been described as a ‘Strategic Translator” and ‘Connector’ in the work I have done in grant writing and copywriting. My services may also be complementary to the services you offer or your client’s require.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
There are a plethora of business networks in Australia. I have been doing my research for he past 1.5years to find another networking group which resonates with me as a business owner and change maker!
At every stage of the process from the 1 day event to the induction sessions I have been very impressed by the quality of the way in which this network is facilitated and supported by the HerBusiness team.
I work with but 85% men in the delivery of my services and am always inspired by ALL my clients – yet really appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with my fellow female business owners.